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Voice Pathologies Classification and Detection Using EMD-DWT Analysis Based on Higher Order Statistic Features
IRBM ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.irbm.2019.11.004
I. Hammami , L. Salhi , S. Labidi


The voice is a prominent tool allowing people to communicate and to change information in their daily activities. However, any slight alteration in the voice production system may affect the voice quality. Over the last years, researchers in biomedical engineering field worked to develop a robust automatic system that may help clinicians to perform a preventive diagnosis in order to detect the voice pathologies in an early stage.


In this context, pathological voice detection and classification method based on EMD-DWT analysis and Higher Order Statistics (HOS) features, is proposed. Also DWT coefficients features are extracted and tested. To carry out our experiments a wide subset of voice signal from normal subjects and subjects which suffer from the five most frequent pathologies in the Saarbrücken Voice Database (SVD), is selected. In The first step, we applied the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to the voice signal. Afterwards, among the obtained candidates of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), we choose the robust one based on temporal energy criterion. In the second step, the selected IMF was decomposed via the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). As a result, two features vector includes six HOSs parameters, and a features vector includes six DWT features were formed from both approximation and detail coefficients. In order to classify the obtained data a support vector machine (SVM) is employed. After having trained the proposed system using the SVD database, the system was evaluated using voice signals of volunteer's subjects from the Neurological department of RABTA Hospital of Tunis.


The proposed method gives promising results in pathological voices detection. The accuracies reached 99.26% using HOS features and 93.1% using DWT features for SVD database. In the classification, an accuracy of 100% was reached for “Funktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekrrensparese” based on HOS features. Nevertheless, using DWT features the accuracy achieved was 90.32% for “Hyperfunktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekurrensparse”. Furthermore, in the validation the accuracies reached were 94.82%, 91.37% for HOS and DWT features, respectively. In the classification the highest accuracies reached were for classifying “Parkinson versus Paralysis” 94.44% and 88.87% based on HOS and DWT features, respectively.


HOS features show promising results in the automatic voice pathology detection and classification compared to DWT features. Thus, it can reliably be used as noninvasive tool to assist clinical evaluation for pathological voices identification.








所提出的方法在病理性语音检测中提供了有希望的结果。使用HOS功能,对于SVD数据库,使用DWT功能的精度达到99.26%。在分类中,基于居屋功能,“ Funktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekrrensparese”的准确性达到100%。但是,使用DWT功能,“ Funkerfunktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekurrensparse”的准确率达到了90.32%。此外,在验证中,HOS和DWT功能的准确率分别为94.82%,91.37%。在分类中,根据HOS和DWT特征分别将“帕金森与瘫痪”分类的最高准确率分别为94.44%和88.87%。


