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Univalent polymorphism
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2020.102793
Benno van den Berg

We show that Martin Hyland's effective topos can be exhibited as the homotopy category of a path category EFF. Path categories are categories of fibrant objects in the sense of Brown satisfying two additional properties and as such provide a context in which one can interpret many notions from homotopy theory and Homotopy Type Theory. Within the path category EFF one can identify a class of discrete fibrations which is closed under push forward along arbitrary fibrations (in other words, this class is polymorphic or closed under impredicative quantification) and satisfies propositional resizing. This class does not have a univalent representation, but if one restricts to those discrete fibrations whose fibres are propositions in the sense of Homotopy Type Theory, then it does. This means that, modulo the usual coherence problems, it can be seen as a model of the Calculus of Constructions with a univalent type of propositions. We will also build a more complicated path category in which the class of discrete fibrations whose fibres are sets in the sense of Homotopy Type Theory has a univalent representation, which means that this will be a model of the Calculus of Constructions with a univalent type of sets.



我们表明,马丁·海兰德(Martin Hyland)的有效话题可以作为路径类别的同伦类别显示 联邦军。路径类别是布朗意义上的纤维状对象的类别,满足两个附加属性,因此提供了一种上下文,可以根据该上下文解释同伦论和同伦类型论的许多概念。在路径类别内联邦军可以识别一类离散的纤维,这些纤维在沿任意纤维的推进作用下是闭合的(换句话说,这一类是多态的,或者在强制性量化下是闭合的),并且满足命题调整大小。此类没有单价表示,但是如果限制为那些离散的纤维化,这些纤维在同伦型理论的意义上是命题,那么它就可以。这意味着,以通常的相干问题为模,可以将其视为具有单价类型命题的构造微积分模型。我们还将建立一个更复杂的路径类别,其中离散纤维的类别(在同伦类型理论的意义上是固定的)具有单价表示,
