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New charophyte assemblage from middle Miocene lacustrine deposits of Moneva (Ebro Basin, Spain)
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2020.03.001
Josep Sanjuan , Ingeborg Soulié-Märsche

Abstract Two new fossil charophyte species from middle Miocene lacustrine deposits of Moneva (Ebro Basin, NE Spain) are described and illustrated. Sphaerochara miocenica nov. sp. is represented by medium sized gyrogonites with a characteristic spheroidal shape and ornamented with numerous small and regularly spaced tubercles arranged along the spiral cells. Several specimens show an unusual carbonate encrusted layer that covers completely or partially the gyrogonite. Psilochara monevaensis nov. sp. is characterized by large gyrogonites, with typical prolate shape and protruding apical poles. A second population of S. miocenica nov. sp. from a distant early upper Miocene lacustrine basin located in the Middle East (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon), identified in a previous study as Sphaerochara sp., is described and illustrated here, allowing the comparison of these distant populations. Ecologically, the associated fauna and facies from both localities suggest that these taxa grew in very shallow athalassic lakes. Interestingly, S. miocenica nov. sp. having a wide geographic distribution in peri-Mediterranean lakes with variable salinity, may become a fossil guide for the Miocene, providing at the same time important palaeoecological information.



摘要 描述和说明了来自莫内瓦(西班牙东北部埃布罗盆地)中中新世湖相沉积物的两种新的轮藻化石。Sphaerochara miocenica 11月 sp. 以中等大小的陀螺石为代表,具有特征性的球体形状,并饰有许多沿螺旋细胞排列的小而规则间隔的结节。几个标本显示了一个不寻常的碳酸盐包覆层,完全或部分覆盖了陀螺石。Psilochara monevaensis 十一月。sp. 以大型陀螺石为特征,具有典型的扁长形状和突出的顶极。S. miocenica nov. 的第二个种群。sp. 来自位于中东(黎巴嫩贝卡谷地)的一个遥远的上中新世早期湖泊盆地,在先前的研究中被确定为 Sphaerochara sp.,这里描述和说明,允许比较这些遥远的种群。在生态学上,来自两个地方的相关动物群和相表明这些分类群生长在非常浅的海洋湖中。有趣的是,S. miocenica nov。sp. 在具有可变盐度的地中海沿岸湖泊中具有广泛的地理分布,可能成为中新世的化石指南,同时提供重要的古生态信息。