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A lower Coniacian ammonite fauna from the Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, south-east India
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Pub Date : 2019-09-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2019.08.002
W.J. Kennedy , A.S. Gale

A shell bed in the upper part of the Anaipadi Formation of the Trichiopoly Group near the villages of Pilimisai and Koothur in the Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu, south India yielded an abundant ammonite fauna assigned to the lower part of the Kossmaticeras (Kossmaticeras) theobaldianum Zone and to the lower Coniacian. The ammonite association of this interval in the Cauvery Basin is dominated by Mesopuzosia, Damesites, and Kossmaticeras (Kossmaticeras) species. The fauna is: Phylloceras (Hypophylloceras) masiaposensis (Collignon, 1956), Phyllopachyceras sp. , Tetragonites epigonus Kossmat, 1895, Gaudryceras (Gaudryceras) mite (Hauer, 1866), Mesopuzosia gaudama (Forbes, 1846), Damesites sugata (Forbes, 1846), Kossmaticeras (Kossmaticeras) theobaldianum (Stoliczka, 1865), K. (K.) recurrens (Kossmat, 1897, K. (K.) jonesi Collignon, 1965, Menabonites anapadensis (Kossmat, 1898), Lewesiceras sp., Placenticeras cf. kaffrarium Etheridge, 1904, Glyptoxoceras sp., and Scalarites sp.



印度南部泰米尔纳德邦Cauvery盆地的Pilimisai和Koothur村附近的Trichiopoly组的Anaipadi组上部的贝壳床,产生了丰富的am虫类动物,分配给Kossmaticeras(Kossmaticerastheobaldianum地区的下部以及下科尼亚西亚人。Cauvery盆地中该区间的铵结物以中生代白云母KossmaticerasKossmaticeras)物种为主。该动物群是:PhyllocerasHypophyllocerasmasiaposensis(COLLIGNON,1956年),Phyllopachyceras SP。,Tetragonites埃皮贡斯Kossmat,1895年,GaudrycerasGaudryceras(哈尔,1866年),Mesopuzosia gaudama(福布斯,1846),Damesites姿(福布斯,1846),KossmaticerasKossmaticerastheobaldianum(Stoliczka,1865),ķ。(ķrecurrens(Kossmat,1897年,ķķjonesi COLLIGNON,1965,Menabonites anapadensis(Kossmat,1898),Lewesiceras属,Placenticeras比照。kaffrariumEtheridge,1904年,Glyptoxoceras sp。和Scalarites sp。
