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Analysis of the role of inter-nanowire junctions on current percolation effects in silicon nanonet field-effect transistors
Solid-State Electronics ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2019.107725
T. Cazimajou , M. Mouis , M. Legallais , T.T.T. Nguyen , C. Ternon , B. Salem , G. Ghibaudo

In this paper, we compare the evolution with temperature of the experimental characteristics of Nanonet-based Field-Effect Transistors, with a modelling of carrier transport in the percolating regime. The main electrical parameters of Nanonet-based Field-Effect Transistors that featured different nanowire densities and source-drain distances were extracted from static measurements at different temperatures. The temperature dependence of low field mobility and threshold voltage was explained by the temperature activated behaviour of inter-nanowire junctions, and the activation energy dispersion of individual junctions. A Monte-Carlo simulation of Nanonet FET in the shape of a random percolating network of resistances and thermally activated junctions was used to confirm the influence of activation energy dispersion on low field mobility. The simplest model which was able to capture experimental trends consisted in a bimodal distribution of activation energies, with a subset of non-thermally activated junctions (resistive junctions) while other junctions were thermally activated (energy barriers at the junctions).



在本文中,我们比较了基于纳米网的场效应晶体管的实验特性随温度的演变以及渗流状态下载流子传输的模型。从不同温度下的静态测量中提取了具有不同纳米线密度和源极-漏极距离的基于纳米网的场效应晶体管的主要电参数。低场迁移率和阈值电压的温度依赖性由纳米线间结的温度激活行为以及各个结的激活能量分散来解释。对电阻和热激活结的随机渗滤网络形状的Nanonet FET进行了蒙特卡洛模拟,以确认激活能量分散对低场迁移率的影响。
