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Progress in the elaboration of GSM conform DSM products and their functional utilization in Hungary
Geoderma Regional ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2020.e00269
László Pásztor , Annamária Laborczi , Katalin Takács , Gábor Illés , József Szabó , Gábor Szatmári

The GlobalSoilMap initiative significantly inspired the DOSoReMI.hu (Digital, Optimized, Soil Related Maps and Information in Hungary) project, which was started intentionally for the renewal of the national spatial soil data infrastructure in Hungary. The main objectives of our work has been to broaden the possibilities, how demands on spatial soil related information could be satisfied in Hungary, how the gaps between the available and the expected could be filled with optimized digital soil (related) maps. During our activities, we have significantly extended the potential, how goal-oriented, map-based soil information could be created to fulfill the requirements. Primary and specific soil property, soil type and certain tentative functional soil maps were compiled. The set of the applied digital soil mapping techniques has been gradually broadened incorporating and eventually integrating geostatistical, machine learning and GIS tools. Soil property maps have been compiled partly according to GlobalSoilMap.net specifications, partly by slightly or more strictly changing some of their predefined parameters (depth intervals, pixel size, property etc.) according to the specific demands on the final products. The set of primary and derived soil properties specified by GSM for the required layers have been almost entirely prepared. The web publishing of the results was also elaborated creating a specific WMS environment. The map products are published on the www.dosoremi.hu website. The maps are serviced in two different ways. In the atlas version, map layouts are collected and published for application as graphical elements. Interactive maps are produced for browsing over alternative base map background. Most relevant information on the renewed Hungarian Spatial Soil Data Infrastructure, on its compilation and applicability are also communicated on the site.

The nationwide, thematic digital soil maps compiled in the frame and spin-off of our research have been utilized in a number of ways. Programs or studies dedicated to the designation of areas suitable for irrigation; risk modelling of inland excess water hazard; mapping of potential habitats; spatial assessment and mapping of ecosystem services were heavily relied on the novel type spatial soil information. These programs however frequently required certain modifications of the standard GSM products due to various reasons. The paper presents the finalized GSM conform results of DOSoReMI.hu, together with their various national applications. Some reasons behind the application of modified GSM products are also presented.




