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The ‘Converted Unbelievers’: Catholics in Family Planning in French-Speaking Belgium (1947–73)
Medical History ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.1017/mdh.2020.6
Anne-Sophie Crosetti 1

This paper looks at the journey of eleven counsellors in marital counselling centres in French-speaking Belgium, from the creation of the centres in 1953, to the 1970s, when contraception became legal, and abortion became a public issue. At the time of Humanae Vitae, groups of volunteers, working within Catholic organisations where counselling took place, began to structure their activity around Carl Rogers’s ethics of client-centred therapy, placing their religious ideology in a secondary position to focus on the problems experienced by the couples and women they were receiving in the centres. These were often challenges they were experiencing themselves in their own lives. The reiteration of the Catholic orthodox view on contraception through Humanae Vitae marked a gap between the counsellors and the Church. This contribution questions the identity-related tension of Catholics working in conjugal counselling centres and the type of commitments they made to both the conjugal centres and the Church in a moment where family planning was debated both in the Church and politically.



本文探讨了比利时法语区婚姻咨询中心的 11 名咨询师的历程,从 1953 年中心成立到 1970 年代避孕合法化、堕胎成为公共问题。在 Humanae Vitae 时期,在进行咨询的天主教组织内工作的志愿者团体开始围绕卡尔·罗杰斯以客户为中心的治疗伦理来组织他们的活动,将他们的宗教意识形态置于次要位置,以关注患者所经历的问题。他们在中心接待的夫妇和妇女。这些往往是他们在自己的生活中遇到的挑战。通过Humanae Vitae重申天主教正统的避孕观点标志着辅导员和教会之间的分歧。这篇文章质疑在婚姻咨询中心工作的天主教徒与身份相关的紧张关系,以及在教会和政治上对计划生育进行辩论的时刻,他们对婚姻中心和教会做出的承诺类型。