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Effects of a regenerating matrix on the survival of birds in tropical forest fragments
Avian Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s40657-020-00193-x
Jared D. Wolfe , Philip C. Stouffer , Richard O. Bierregaard , David A. Luther , Thomas E. Lovejoy

Vast areas of lowland neotropical forest have regenerated after initially being cleared for agricultural purposes. The ecological value of regenerating second growth to forest-dwelling birds may largely depend on the age of the forest, associated vegetative structure, and when it is capable of sustaining avian demographics similar to those found in pristine forest. To determine the influence of second growth age on bird demography, we estimated the annual survival of six central Amazonian bird species residing in pristine forest, a single 100 and a single 10 ha forest fragment, taking into consideration age of the surrounding matrix (i.e. regenerating forest adjacent to each fragment) as an explanatory variable. Study species exhibited three responses: arboreal, flocking and ant-following insectivores (Willisornis poecilinotus, Thamnomanes ardesiacus and Pithys albifrons) showed declines in survival associated with fragmentation followed by an increase in survival after 5 years of matrix regeneration. Conversely, Percnostola rufifrons, a gap-specialist, showed elevated survival in response to fragmentation followed by a decline after 5 years of regeneration. Lastly, facultative flocking and frugivore species (Glyphorynchus spirurus and Dixiphia pipra, respectively) showed no response to adjacent clearing and subsequent regeneration. Our results in association with previous studies confirm that the value of regenerating forest surrounding habitat patches is dependent on two factors: ecological guild of the species in question and second growth age. Given the rapid increase in survival following succession, we suggest that the ecological value of young tropical forest should not be based solely on a contemporary snapshot, but rather, on the future value of mature second growth as well.



最初为农业目的而被砍伐后,低地新热带森林的广大地区已经恢复。将第二种植物再生为森林鸟类的生态价值可能在很大程度上取决于森林的年龄,相关的营养结构以及何时能够维持与原始森林相似的禽类人口统计数据。为了确定第二个生长年龄对鸟类人口统计学的影响,我们考虑了周围基质的年龄(即再生),估计了原始森林中的六个亚马逊中部鸟类物种,一个单一的100和一个10公顷森林碎片的年生存率。与每个片段相邻的森林)作为解释变量。研究物种表现出三种响应:树栖,植绒和蚁后食虫(Willisornis poecilinotus,Thamnomanes ardesiacus和Pithys albifrons)显示出与碎片化相关的存活率下降,然后在基质再生5年后存活率增加。相反,缺口专家Percnostola rufifrons显示对碎片反应的存活率升高,再生5年后下降。最后,兼性的植绒和节食物种(分别为Glyphorynchus spirurus和Dixiphia pipra)对邻近的清理和随后的再生没有反应。我们的结果与先前的研究相结合,证实了生境周围森林更新的价值取决于两个因素:所涉物种的生态行会和第二生长年龄。鉴于继任后生存率迅速提高,