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Spontaneous hemispheric ventricular collapse and subarachnoid haemorrhages in a dog with congenital hydrocephalus internus
Irish Veterinary Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s13620-020-00159-x
Agnieszka Olszewska 1 , Daniela Farke 1 , Martin Jürgen Schmidt 1

Overdrainage and collapse of the hemispheres is a potential severe complication after surgical treatment of internal hydrocephalus using ventriculoperitoneal shunts. Here we describe a case of a spontaneous hemispheric ventricular collapse in an untreated dog with congenital hydrocephalus internus. A twelve-week-old, male, intact Golden Retriever was presented with a history of peracute obtundation, impaired vision, and progressive gait abnormalities of all limbs for three days. Neurological examination revealed a dome shaped skull, a broad-based stance and a moderate cerebellar ataxia. The postural responses were markedly delayed in all limbs. Moderate ventro-lateral strabismus, vertical nystagmus and absent menace response were observed bilaterally. Clinical signs indicated multifocal localisation (forebrain, cerebellum). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed dilation of all cerebral ventricles, irregular thinning of the periventricular white and grey matter, consistent with internal hydrocephalus. In addition, the hemispheres were collapsed at the right temporal and left frontal lobe with haemorrhage filling the adjacent subarachnoid space. The dog underwent left frontal and right temporal craniotomy for removal of the haemorrhage. The dog improved on all neurological signs and was discharged after seven days. A repeat MRI three months postsurgical intervention showed reexpansion of the cerebral hemispheres. Subarachnoid haemorrhages were markedly reduced. Collapse of the hemispheres can occur spontaneously in dogs with hydrocephalus internus. Removal of the haemorrhage can improve clinical signs.



在使用脑室腹腔分流术治疗内部脑积水后,半球过度引流和塌陷是一种潜在的严重并发症。在这里,我们描述了一个未经治疗的患有先天性脑积水的狗的自发性半球心室塌陷病例。一只 12 周大、雄性、完整的金毛猎犬出现了 3 天的极度迟钝、视力受损和四肢进行性步态异常的病史。神经系统检查显示颅骨呈圆顶形,站姿宽阔,小脑中度共济失调。所有肢体的姿势反应都明显延迟。双侧观察到中度腹外侧斜视、垂直眼球震颤和无威胁反应。临床体征表明多灶定位(前脑、小脑)。磁共振成像(MRI)显示所有脑室扩张,脑室周围白质和灰质不规则变薄,符合内部脑积水。此外,半球在右侧颞叶和左侧额叶塌陷,出血填充相邻的蛛网膜下腔。这只狗接受了左额和右颞开颅手术以去除出血。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。脑室周围白质和灰质不规则变薄,符合内部脑积水。此外,半球在右侧颞叶和左侧额叶塌陷,出血填充相邻的蛛网膜下腔。这只狗接受了左额和右颞开颅手术以去除出血。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。脑室周围白质和灰质不规则变薄,符合内部脑积水。此外,半球在右侧颞叶和左侧额叶塌陷,出血填充相邻的蛛网膜下腔。这只狗接受了左额和右颞开颅手术以去除出血。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。大脑半球在右侧颞叶和左侧额叶塌陷,出血充满相邻的蛛网膜下腔。这只狗接受了左额和右颞开颅手术以去除出血。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。大脑半球在右侧颞叶和左侧额叶塌陷,出血充满相邻的蛛网膜下腔。这只狗接受了左额和右颞开颅手术以去除出血。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。这只狗的所有神经系统症状都有所改善,并在 7 天后出院。术后三个月重复 MRI 显示大脑半球重新扩张。蛛网膜下腔出血明显减少。患有脑积水的狗可能会自发地发生大脑半球的塌陷。去除出血可以改善临床症状。