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Analytical friction force compensation of flow curves out of layer compression tests with the pin extrusion test
International Journal of Material Forming ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12289-020-01555-y
Matthias Lenzen , Martin Kraus , Marion Merklein

For conventional material models like Yld2000-2d or BBC05 the equi-biaxial yield strength is required for the parameter identification. In this context, a commonly used test setup is the hydraulic bulge test. However, an inaccuracy in the characterization of the initial yield strength is present in the hydraulic bulge test. Due to the evaluation of the resulting curvature of the specimen, that is nearly infinite at the onset of yielding, the calculated stress can significant vary. Another proposed test setup for the characterization of the equi-biaxial stress state is the layer compression test. Here, the onset of yielding can be characterized with sufficient accuracy. The disadvantage in this test is the friction between stack and tool that leads to an overestimation of the flow curve. Thus, robust and experimental based friction compensation should be used, to gain a comparable hardening behaviour as in the hydraulic bulge test. In this contribution, the friction in the layer compression test is compensated by characterization of the tribological conditions. Thus, the tribological system consisting of workpiece surface, tool surface and lubricant is characterized using pin extrusion tests. The friction is analysed for the two steel grades DC06 and DP600 and the aluminium AA5182. With the identified friction factors, the measured testing force in the layer compression test is reduced by the portion of friction. For verification, hydraulic bulge tests, which are approximately friction free, are performed and compared with the resulting flow curves of the layer compression tests. Results confirm, that a friction compensation of the layer compression tests lead to a significant improvement of the resulting material parameters in comparison to the hydraulic bulge tests. Additional, a new method for the friction factor characterization is presented that uses in the stress difference of flow curves characterized in hydraulic bulge tests and layer compression tests.



