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(2733) Proposal to change the conserved type of Withania, nom cons. (Solanaceae)
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12193
Rocio Deanna 1, 2, 3 , Gloria E. Barboza 1, 2

(2733) Withania Pauquy, Belladone: 14. Apr 1825 [Solan.], nom. cons.

Typus: W. somnifera (L.) Dunal (in Candolle, Prodr. 13(1): 453. 10 Mai 1852) (Physalis somnifera L.), typ. cons. prop.

Withania Pauquy (Belladone: 14. 1825) is an Old World genus that comprises about ten species (Hepper in Hawkes & al., Solanaceae III: 211–227. 1991; Thulin in Nordic J. Bot. 22: 385–389. 2002) since Physaliastrum Makino and Archiphysalis Kuang, considered part of Withania by Hunziker (in Lorentzia 8: 5–8. 1995; Genera Solanacearum. 2001), are now recognized as different genera (Li & al. in Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 50: 82–89. 2013; Deanna & al. in Amer. J. Bot. 106: 270–279. 2019). The monotypic Mellissia Hook. f. is phylogenetically most closely related to Withania sensu Olmstead & al. (in Taxon 57: 1159–1181. 2008) and considered a synonym by Hunziker (l.c. 2001) but is morphologically sufficiently distinct to have been considered a different genus by Fay & al. (in Bot. Mag., n.s., 24: 243–250. 2007). Withania comprises shrubs and herbs with inconspicuous yellow flowers but noticeable fruiting calyces ranging from partially accrescent to totally inflated, similar to the ones of the “tomatillo” (Physalis peruviana L.). This genus belongs to the tribe Physalideae Miers (Solanaceae) and provides the name for the subtribe Withaninae Bohs & Olmstead (Olmstead & al., l.c.).

Recent phylogenetic work that focused on Physalideae included six species of Withania (Deanna & al., l.c.) and showed that the genus Withania as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic. The sampled species resolved into two highly supported and geographically distant clades, except for W. adpressa Coss. that resolved within Physalis subg. Rydbergis Hendrych. The first clade comprises W. coagulans (Stocks) Dunal (Iran eastward to Nepal and N India), W. riebeckii Balf. f. (Socotra) and W. somnifera (L.) Dunal (widely distributed in India, Africa and S Europe). The second clade includes W. aristata (Aiton) Pauquy and W. frutescens (L.) Pauquy, restricted to southwestern Europe, northwestern Africa and the Canary Islands. Hepper (l.c.) had already pointed out that the latter two species were morphologically different from other Withania species, especially in the calyx and androecium. However, there was no evidence that these differences were phylogenetically significant until now.

The generic name Withania was included in the first set of conserved names approved by the Vienna Congress in 1905 (see https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/codes-proposals/). It was conserved because it was considered to be threatened by Physaloides Moench (Methodus: 473. 1794), with type Physalis somniferum L. However, with the acceptance in the Cambridge Rules (Briquet, Int. Rules, Bot. Nomencl., ed. 3. 1935) of strict homonymy (i.e., including earlier homonyms that were illegitimate, or generally treated as a synonym on taxonomic grounds), Physaloides Moench was no longer available for use on account of Physalodes Boehm. (in Ludwig, Def. Gen. Pl., ed. 3: 41. 1760). Rickett & Stafleu (in Taxon 9: 86. 1960) noted this, and Physaloides was dropped as a rejected name in subsequent editions of the Code, but Withania remains a conserved name under the provisions of Art. 14.13 of the ICN (Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018).

Only with the adoption of the type method in the Cambridge Rules (Briquet, l.c.) were types associated with existing conserved names. Green (in Sprague, Nom. Prop. Brit. Bot.: 107. 1929) typified Withania by W. frutescens (L.) Pauquy based on Atropa frutescens L. (Sp. Pl.: 260. 1753), an effective typification as this was one of the species names that Pauquy (l.c.) included in the protologue. However, for some reason that we have not been able to discover, Rickett & Stafleu (l.c.) added “typ. cons.” to the citation of W. frutescens as type and that is how the entry in the current Code Appendices appears.

Withania frutescens is in the second, smaller clade and so to recognize a monophyletic Withania, the least nomenclaturally disruptive solution is to conserve the name for the first clade that has rather more species, retypifying the generic name with W. somnifera as type. This would require the additional nomenclatural change of placing W. aristata and W. frutescens in a new genus as suggested by the phylogeny presented in Deanna & al. (l.c.); this new genus, for which there is no validly published name, would be closely related to Athenaea Sendtn. (in Martius, Fl. Bras. 10: 133. 1846) (including Aureliana Sendtn., l.c.: 138, under which it was previously misnamed; Rodrigues & al. in Taxon 68(4): 839–846. 2019). The first undesirable consequence of this amended conservation is changing these two names (W. aristata, W. frutescens), which have been referred to as sources of withanolides for the treatment of parasitic diseases, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and diuretic effects (Martín‐Herrera & al. in J. Ethnopharmacol. 113: 487–491. 2007; Bouzidi & al. in Nat. Prod. Commun. 6: 1934578X1100601009. 2011; López‐Arencibia & al. in Pathogens 8: 172. 2019), and appear in studies of reproductive biology (Anderson & al. in Amer. J. Bot. 93: 1295–1305. 2006). The second consequence is that Athenaea and Deprea Raf. (Sylva Tellur.: 57. 1838) would no longer be members of Withaninae given their closer relationship to W. aristata and W. frutescens than to the other Withania (Deanna & al., l.c.).

The alternative of renaming the three species of the first clade would change the generic name of the globally cultivated and widely used species W. somnifera to Alicabon Raf. (l.c.: 56), a segregate genus under which only two species names have been published (Alicabon somniferum (L.) Raf., A. barbadense (Jacq.) Raf.). The name Alicabon has never apparently been adopted since its original publication.

Withania somnifera is the most widely used name in the genus. For example, a Google search for this name (“Withania somnifera”) on 29 January 2020, resulted in 1,700,000 hits, compared to less than a tenth of this number for any of the other species. It is well known as a medicinal plant since antiquity (c. 3000 years; Winters in Altern. Med. Rev. 11: 269–277. 2006). In addition to its appearance in floras from around the world given its widespread distribution from the Canary Islands to Australia (Hepper, l.c.), W. somnifera has been the subject of numerous studies in phytochemistry and pharmacology for its immunomodulatory, anxiolytic, memory enhancing, antiparkinsonian, antivenom, anti‐inflammatory, antitumor, and antioxidant activities (Bhattacharya & al. in Indian J. Exp. Biol. 35: 236–239. 1997; Archana & Namasivayan in J. Ethnopharmacol. 64: 91–93. 1998; Davis & al. in J. Ethnopharmacol. 71: 193–200. 2000; Gupta & al. in Pharmacogn. Rev. 1: 129–136. 2007; Singh & al. in Ann. Biol. Res. 1: 56–63. 2010; Dhar & al. in Frontiers Pl. Sci. 6: 1031. 2015; Pandey & al. in Cytokine 102: 211–221. 2018). Furthermore, this species, also known as the Indian Ginseng, has been extensively studied ethnopharmacologically and is an ingredient of more than 200 formulations in traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani (Sukanya & al. in Open Access J. Med. Aromat. Pl. 1: 47. 2015; Chandran & Patwardhan in J. Ethnopharmacol. 197: 250–256. 2017; Shuaib & al. in Int. J. Nanotechnol. Allied Sci. 3: 1–6. 2019). The basionym Physalis somnifera L. has also been lectotypified (by Schönbeck‐Temesy in Rechinger, Fl. Iranica 100: 27. 1972) with a Linnaean specimen (Herb. Linn. No. 247.1, LINN; cf. Thulin, l.c.).

Grounds to conserve Withania with W. somnifera as the conserved type go far beyond the use of this name. Although geographically restricted and less well known than W. somnifera, both W. coagulans and W. riebeckii have also been subjects of ethnopharmacological studies (Mothana & al. in Pharmazie 62: 305–307. 2007; Hemalatha & al. in Pharmacogn. Rev. 4: 351–358. 2008; Jaiswal & al. in Indian J. Clin. Biochem. 24: 88–93. 2009; Maurya & al. in J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 62: 153–160. 2010). These three species form a clade sister to most of the genera initially circumscribed as Withaninae: all (i.e., Archiphysalis Kuang, Discopodium Hochst., Nothocestrum A. Gray and Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino; Olmstead & al., l.c.) except for Athenaea and Deprea; the subtribe Withaninae is mentioned in several phylogenetic and developmental works (Khan & Ali in Pl. Molec. Biol. 83: 489–506. 2013; Li & al., l.c.).

In order to preserve nomenclatural stability in accordance with ICN Art. 14.2 and to remove any uncertainty surrounding the application of this name that has been in long use for multiple purposes, we propose to conserve Withania with a new conserved type following Art. 14.9 of the ICN (Turland & al., l.c.).


(2733)提议更改Withania的保守类型,nom cons。(茄科)

(2733)Withania Pauquy,Belladone:1425年4月14日[ Solan。],nom。缺点

Typus:W. somnifera(L.)Dunal(in Candolle,Prodr.13(1):453. 10 Mai 1852)(酸浆)缺点 支柱。

Withania Pauquy(Belladone:14。1825)是一个旧世界属,包括大约十个物种(Hepper在Hawkes等人,茄科III:211–227。1991; Thulin在Nordic J. Bot。22:385–389。2002)。 ),因为H子草(Physaliastrum Makino)和Archiphysalis Kuang (被洪齐克(Hunziker)视为Withania的一部分(Lorentzia 8:5-8。1995; Genera Solanacearum。2001))现在被认为是不同的属(Li等人,在Biochem。Syst。Ecol。50中) :82–89。2013; Deanna等人在Amer。J. Bot。106:270–279。2019)。一字型梅利西亚钩。F。在系统发育上与Withania关系最密切Sensu Olmstead等 (Taxon 57:1159–1181。2008),并被Hunziker(lc 2001)视为同义词,但在形态上足够不同,以至于Fay等人将其视为不同的属。(Bot。Mag。,ns,24:243–250。2007)。Withania包括灌木和草本植物,花朵不显眼,花黄色,但明显的果期花序,从部分渐熟到完全膨大,类似于“番茄”(Physalis peruviana L.)。该属属于藜科Solanaceae),并为Withaninae Bohs&Olmstead(Olmstead&al。,lc)亚部落提供了名称。

即集中在最近的亲缘工作Physalideae包括6种(迪安娜和人,LC),并表明属按照目前的外接不是单系。除了W. adpressa Coss外,采样的物种解析为两个高度支持且地理位置遥远的进化枝。在酸浆subg中解决的。Rydbergis Hendrych。第一类包括W.凝结(Stocks)Dunal(伊朗向东至尼泊尔和印度),W。riebeckii Balf。F。(Socotra)和W. somnifera(L.)Dunal(广泛分布在印度,非洲和南欧)。第二个分支包括W. aristata(Aiton)Pauquy和W. frutescens(L.)Pauquy,仅限于欧洲西南部,西北非洲和加那利群岛。Hepper(lc)已经指出,后两个物种在形态上与其他Withania物种不同,尤其是花萼和雄蕊。但是,到目前为止,还没有证据表明这些差异在系统发育上是显着的。

通用名称Withania包含在1905年维也纳国会批准的第一批保守名称中(请参阅https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/codes-proposals/)。之所以被保护是因为它被认为是由Physaloides Moench(Methodus:473. 1794)所威胁的,类型为Physalis somniferumL。但是,在剑桥规则(Briquet,Int。Rules,Bot。Nomencl。ed。)中被接受。 3. 1935年)严格同名的(即,包括早期的同音即是非法的,或者通常作为分类依据的同义词)处理,酸浆荞不再提供对帐户的使用Physalodes伯恩 (在路德维希(Ludwig,Def.Gen.Pl.),编辑3:41. 1760中)。Rickett&Stafleu(在Taxon 9:86. 1960)注意到了这一点,在后来的《规范》中Physaloides被删除为被拒绝的名字,但是Withania在Art的规定下仍然是一个保守的名字。ICN的14.13 (Turland等人,Regnum Veg。159. 2018)。

只有在《剑桥规则》(Briquet,lc)中采用类型方法后,类型才与现有的保守名称相关联。格林(在Sprague,Nom。Prop。Brit。Bot .:107。1929 )以W. frutescens(L.)Pauquy为代表的Withania,以Atropa frutescens L.(Sp。Pl .: 260. 1753)为基础,这是Pauquy(lc)包含在原型中的物种名称之一。但是,由于某些原因,我们无法发现,Rickett&Stafleu(lc)添加了“ typ。缺点。” 引用W. frutescens作为类型,这就是当前代码附录中条目的显示方式。

Withania frutescens位于第二个较小的分支中,因此要识别具有单一种类的Withania,在命名上最少破坏性的解决方案是保留第一个具有更多物种的分支的名称,重新以W. somnifera作为类型的通用名称。这将需要额外的命名法变化,如Deanna等人提出的系统发育学建议,将W. aristataW. frutescens置于一个新属中。(lc); 这个没有有效名称的新属将与雅典娜·森登(Athenaea Sendtn)密切相关。(Martius,Fl。Bras。10:133. 1846)(包括AurelianaSendtn。,lc:138,之前曾将其改名;罗德里格斯(Rodrigues)等 在Taxon 68(4):839–846中。2019)。这项修改后的保护措施的第一个不良后果就是更改了这两个名称(W. aristataW。frutescens),这两个名称已被称为用于治疗寄生虫病,抗氧化和抗菌活性以及利尿作用的with醇的来源(Martín- Herrera等人,J。Ethnopharmacol。113:487-491。2007; Bouzidi等人,Nat。Prod。Commun。6:1934578X1100601009。2011;López-Arencibia等人,Pathogens 8:172。2019),以及它们出现在生殖生物学研究中(Anderson等人,Amer。J. Bot。93:1295–1305。2006)。第二个后果是雅典娜德普拉娜拉夫 (Sylva Tellur .: 57. 1838)不再是Withaninae的成员,因为与W. aristataW. frutescens的关系比与其他Withania的关系更紧密(Deanna等人,lc)。

重命名第一个进化枝的三个物种的替代方法是将全球种植和广泛使用的W. somnifera物种的通用名称更改为Alicabon Raf。(lc:56),一个仅属两个物种名称的分离属(Alicabon somniferum(L.)Raf。,A. barbadense(Jacq。)Raf。)。自最初发布以来,Alicabon这个名字就从未被采用过。

Withania somnifera是该属中使用最广泛的名称。例如,谷歌于2020年1月29日搜索此名称(“ Withania somnifera ”),获得了1,700,000次点击,而其他任何物种的点击量均不到这个数字的十分之一。自古以来,它就被誉为药用植物(约3000年; Winters in Altern。Med。Rev. 11:269–277。2006)。除了在加那利群岛到澳大利亚(Hepper,lc)的广泛分布外,W。somnifera还在世界各地的植物区系中出现由于其免疫调节,抗焦虑,增强记忆,抗帕金森病,抗蛇毒,抗炎,抗肿瘤和抗氧化活性,已经在植物化学和药理学领域进行了许多研究(Bhattacharya等人,Indian J. Exp。Biol。35:236– 239. 1997; Archana&Namasivayan在J. Ethnopharmacol。64:91-93。1998; Davis等在J. Ethnopharmacol。71:193-200。2000; Gupta等在Pharmacogn。Rev. 1:129- 136. 2007; Singh等人在《 Ann。Biol。Res。》 1:56-63.2010; Dhar等人在Frontiers Pl。Sci。6:1031.2015; Pandey等人在Cytokine 102:211-221中(2018)。此外,该物种(也称为印度人参)已在人种学上进行了广泛的研究,并且是印度传统医学系统(如阿育吠陀,悉达,和Unani(Sukanya等人在Open Access J. Med。Aromat。Pl。1:47. 2015; Chandran&Patwardhan在J. Ethnopharmacol。197:250-256。2017; Shuaib等在Int。J. Nanotechnol (联合科学3:2019年6月6日)。代名词酸浆也已用Linnaean标本(Herb。Linn。No. 247.1,LINN;参见Thulin,lc)进行了电化(由Schönbeck-Temesy在Rechinger,Fl.Iranica 100:27.1972)进行电化。

W. somnifera作为保守类型来保存Withania的理由远远超出了使用该名称的范围。尽管在地理上受到限制并且不如W. somnifera广为人知,但凝结W.W. riebeckii也是民族药理学研究的对象(Mothana等人,在Pharmazie 62:305-307。2007; Hemalatha等人在Pharmacogn。Rev. 。4:351-358。2008; Jaiswal等人,印度J. Clin。Biochem。24:88-93。2009; Maurya等人,J。Pharm。Pharmacol。62:153-160。2010)。这三个物种构成了最初被定为Withaninae的大多数属的进化枝姐妹:全部(即Archiphysalis Kuang,DiscopodiumHochst。,Nothocestrum A. Gray和Tubocapsicum(Wettst)Makino; Olmstead等(lc),但雅典娜Athenaea)和德普拉(Deprea)除外;亚族Withaninae在几个系统发生和发育的作品中提到(汗-阿里在PL分子生物学报83:489-506 2013;黎人,LC。。。。)。

为了保持命名法的稳定性,按照ICN Art。14.2并消除长期以来出于多种用途使用该名称所带来的不确定性,我们建议按照Art的规定使用新的保守类型保存WithaniaICN的14.9 (Turland等,lc)。
