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IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1109/jeds.2020.2982711
Benjamin Iniguez , Lluis F. Marsal , Arturo Escobosa , Fernando Guarin

This Special Issue is dedicated to recent research in the field of compact modelling for circuit design. The topics included all device structures, provided it was demonstrated thet the presented compact modelling solutions were implementable in circuit design tools. The last Special Issue addressing compact modelling of all types of semiconductor devices was published in 2006. Since then, new device structures, and with different materials, have emerged, and significant and successful research in compact advance device modeling has been done, as well in the application of compact models to circuit design. Therefore, it was necessary a new Special Issue which could include high quality papers in these topics.


