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Compact stars with exotic matter
Physics of the Dark Universe ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2020.100575
Ksh. Newton Singh , Amna Ali , Farook Rahaman , Salah Nasri

In this paper we employ Tolman VII solution with exotic matter that may be present in the extremely dense core of compact objects. The Tolman VII solution, an exact analytic solution to the spherically symmetric, static Einstein field equations with a perfect fluid source, has many characteristics that make it interesting for modeling high density stellar astronomical objects. For our purpose we use generalized non-linear equation of state which may incorporate exotic matter along with dust, radiation and dark energy. The equation of state (EoS) has a linear contribution comprising quark/radiation matters and a nonlinear contribution comprising dark energy/exotic matters. The amount of exotic matter contain can be modify by a parameter n which can be linked to adiabatic index. As n increases the exotic contribution increases which stiffens the EoS. The physical properties of the model such as pressure, density, mass function, surface redshift, gravitational redshift are examined and the stability of the stellar configuration is discussed in details. The model has promising features as it satisfies all energy conditions and is free from central singularities. The MR relation is constructed analytically and the maximum mass and its corresponding radius is determined using the exact solutions and is shown to satisfy various observational stellar compact stars.



在本文中,我们将Tolman VII解决方案与奇异物质一起使用,这些奇异物质可能存在于致密物体的极致密核心中。Tolman VII解决方案是具有理想流体源的球对称静态爱因斯坦场方程的精确解析解决方案,具有许多特征,对于建模高密度恒星天文物体很有趣。出于我们的目的,我们使用广义非线性状态方程,该方程可以将奇异物质与灰尘,辐射和暗能量结合在一起。状态方程(EoS)具有包含夸克/辐射物质的线性贡献和包含暗能量/外来物质的非线性贡献。所含异物的量可以通过参数修改ñ可以链接到绝热指数。如ñ增加了奇异的贡献,这增加了EoS。检查了模型的物理特性,例如压力,密度,质量函数,表面红移,重力红移,并详细讨论了恒星构型的稳定性。该模型具有令人满意的特征,因为它可以满足所有能量条件,并且没有中心奇异点。的中号-[R 通过解析构造关系,并使用精确解确定最大质量及其相应的半径,并证明其满足各种观测恒星致密星。
