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The mitochondrial metabolic checkpoint in stem cell aging and rejuvenation.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111254
Wei-Chieh Mu 1 , Rika Ohkubo 1 , Andrew Widjaja 1 , Danica Chen 1

Stem cell aging contributes to aging-associated tissue degeneration and dysfunction. Recent studies reveal a mitochondrial metabolic checkpoint that regulates stem cell quiescence and maintenance, and dysregulation of the checkpoint leads to functional deterioration of aged stem cells. Here, we present the evidence supporting the mitochondrial metabolic checkpoint regulating stem cell aging and demonstrating the feasibility to target this checkpoint to reverse stem cell aging. We discuss the mechanisms by which mitochondrial stress leads to stem cell deterioration. We speculate the therapeutic potential of targeting the mitochondrial metabolic checkpoint for rejuvenating aged stem cells and improving aging tissue functions.


