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121st Meeting of the British Neuropathological Society UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.1111/nan.12603

Symposium Wednesday 4th March 2020

Neurodegeneration: The prion‐like properties of mis‐folded proteins in neurodegenerative diseases

Chairs: Professor Tiago Outeiro, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK and University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
Dr Tammaryn Lashley, Principal Research Fellow Neurodegenerative Diseases, Director of Research Queen Square Brain Bank, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, UK
12:00 Registration
12:50 Welcome and Introduction Tiago Outeiro, Tammaryn Lashley
13:00 Prions, prion diseases and prion‐like disorders: evidence and implications Simon Mead, Professor of Neurology and Deputy Director, MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases, UCL, London
14:15 Cell to cell propagation in primate models of PD and AD Jeff Kordower, The Alla V. and Solomon Jesmer Professor of Neurological Sciences, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush Medical College, Chicago, USA
15:00 Tea Break
15:30 Neuronal vulnerability to tauopathy Karen Duff, Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, New York, USA, and Honorary Professor, UCL, UK Dementia Research Institute Associate Director
16:15 Molecular basis of disease heterogeneity in TDP‐43 proteinopathies Magdalini Polymendou, Professor of Biomedicine, Dept. of Quantitative Biomedicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland
17:00 Short Break
17:15 Dorothy Russell Memorial Lecture Transmission of Misfolded Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Common Mechanism of Disease Progression Virginia Lee, The John H. Ware 3rd Endowed Professor in Alzheimer's Research University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Director, Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research
18.15 Drinks Reception, UCL GOS ICH
Thursday 5th March 2020
08:00 Registration
08:50 Opening of meeting – Professor Colin Smith, BNS President
09:00–10:15 FIRST SCIENTIFIC SESSION – Cerebrovascular disease
Chairs: Stephen Wharton, Roy Weller
9:00 R. Waller, P.R. Heath, J.E. Simpson, Y. Hase, R.N. Kalaria, S.B. Wharton What happens to cells of the brain in people who develop dementia after stroke? O01
9:15 Y Hase, V Foster, R Waller, JE Simpson, P Heath, SB Wharton, RN Kalaria Neocortical Non‐pyramidal Interneurons in Post‐stroke Survivors O02
9:30 S Saito, M Tanaka, N Satoh‐Asahara, R O Carare, R O Weller, M Ihara Taxifolin is a novel therapeutic agent for cerebral amyloid angiopathy O03
9:45 KE McAleese, M Mohi, S. Graham, G Baker, L Walker, C. DeCarli, D Koss, J. Attems The aetiology of frontal white matter lesions in Alzheimer's disease are associated with both neurodegenerative and ischemic mechanisms O04
10:00 J. Greenwood, T Wand, M Gatherer, A Keable, Z Rickard, C Smith, J.Attems, RO Weller, RO Carare Lymphatic marker LYVE1 is present in human brain parenchyma. O05
10:15–10:45 Coffee break and POSTER DISCUSSION
10:45–11:30 Clinical update session: Practical diagnosis of embryonal tumours Professor Thomas Jacques
11:30–12:45 SECOND SCIENTIFIC SESSION – CNS neoplasia
Chairs: Kathreena Kurian, Thomas Jacques
11:30 A. Tofias, H Barber, B Lander, A Daniels, JJ Gong, Y Ren, X Ren, Y Liang, P White, KM Kurian Advanced molecular characterization using Digital Spatial Profiling Technology on immuno‐oncology targets in methylated compared with unmethylated IDH‐wildtype glioblastoma O06
11:45 T. Millner, B. Ricci, X. Zhang, N. Pomella, S. Marino Pre‐clinical therapeutic targeting of a novel BMI1/Ephrin connection in human Glioblastomas O07
12:00 D. Ghasemi, K Okonechnikov, JP Mallm, K Lappalainen, K Bauer, MS Liberio, L Giese, KK Maass, M Kool, DTW Jones, A von Deimling, SM Pfister, A Korshunov, KW Pajtler Single Nucleus RNA‐sequencing reveals intratumoral heterogeneity in Medulloblastoma with Extensive Nodularity (MBEN) O08
12:15 E Byrne, D Pehl and M Hofer BCAT‐1 as a surrogate marker for IDH‐wildtype glioblastomas O09
12:30 I Smolicz, JC Pickles, TJ Stone, AR Fairchild, SW Ahmed, J Chalker, C Dryden, J Gonzalez Zapata, B Herron, AR Joshi, T Mistry, OK Ogunbiyi, A Rolland, L Wilkhu, SA Yasin, A Merve, BN Harding, D Hargrave, NJ Sebire, TS Jacques
Genetic alterations in advanced‐stage paediatric central nervous system tumours: a next‐generation sequencing study O10
12:45–14:00 Lunch and POSTER DISCUSSION
14.00‐15.45 THIRD SCIENTIFIC SESSION – Alpha‐synucleinopathies
Chair: Seth Love, Johannes Attems
14:00 S Patel, B Tilley, R K B Pearce, S Gentleman A Clinicopathological Investigation of Brainstem Nuclei in Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease Dementia O11
14:15 C. Bettencourt, SC Foti, Y Miki, IS Piras, J Botia, T Warner, T Revesz, T Lashley, R Balazs, E Viré, MJ Huentelman, JL Holton DNA methylome analysis in post‐mortem brain tissue of multiple system atrophy patients led to the identification of molecular changes in MOBP and other loci O12
14:30 T Eid, T Lashley, T Warner, R Bandopadhyay, J Hardy, J Holton and P Francis Altered Synaptic and Astrocytic Proteins in Alpha‐Synucleinopathies Associated with GBA Mutation O13
14:45 D. Koss D Erskine, J Attems, and T Outeiro Resolving the issue of nuclear localisation of alpha‐synuclein in Lewy body diseases O14
15:00 D. Erskine, K Sidhpura, HN Lai, DM Turnbull, J Attems Fast‐spiking interneuron vulnerability in dementia with Lewy bodies O15
15:15 D. Erskine, N Majbour, M Kauser, M Xylaki, J Attems, T Outeiro, O El‐Agnaf Regionally different expression of a novel α‐synuclein species between Parkinson's disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies O16
15:30 Y. Miki, H Ling, SC Foti, D Hansen, KM Strand, YT Asi, Z Jaunmuktane, AJ Lees, TT Warner, N Quinn, JL Holton Hippocampal α‐synuclein pathology correlates with memory impairment in multiple system atrophy O17
15:45–16:15 Coffee Break and POSTER DISCUSSION
16:15 Neuropathology workload presentation. T. Dawson
16:30 Business Meeting
17:30 Professional Affairs Meeting
19:30 Society Dinner At The Crypt
Friday 6th March 2020
08:00 Registration
9:00–10:15 FOURTH SCIENTIFIC SESSION – tau and Aβ proteinopathies
Chairs: Steve Gentleman, Colin Smith
9:00 K. McAleese, S Colloby, J Attems, A Thomas, PT Francis Mixed brain pathologies account for most dementia in the Brains for Dementia Research Cohort O18
9:15 S. Yap, MC Wren, B Frias Garrido, NC Fox, E Årstad, T Lashley, K Sander High sensitivity of tau radiotracers to depict tau spread in prodromal cases of Alzheimer's Disease O19
9:30 M. Matuszyk, L Ferraiuolo, A Taylor, P Davis, R Staniforth, CJ Garwood, SB Wharton Characterising the varying astrocyte response to oligomeric and fibrillar Aβ O20
9:45 S. Kaalund, L Passamonti, KSJ Allinson, AG Murley, TW Robbins, MG Spillantini, JB Rowe Locus coeruleus pathology in progressive supranuclear palsy is associated with disease severity. O21
10:00 L. Walker,E Jacobs, McAleese KE, Johnson M, and Attems J Do senescent cells play a role in Alzheimer's disease? O22
10:15–10:45 Coffee break and POSTER DISCUSSION
11:00–12:30 FIFTH SCIENTIFIC SESSION – mixed neurodegenerative disorders
Chairs: Robin Highley, Tammaryn Lashley
11:00 P. Gami‐Patel, M. Scarioni, F. Bouwman, Y.A.L. Pijnenburg, P. Scheltens, A.J.M. Rozemuller, J.J.M. Hoozemans, A.A. Dijkstra Selective Vulnerability Of The Gabrq‐Expressing Population In The Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Frontotemporal Dementia O23
11:15 A. Oliver‐Evans, D Koss, A Thomas, D Erskine, J Attems Alterations to monoaminergic innervation in the medial prefrontal cortex in neurodegenerative diseases O24
11:30 B. Ashford, C.Appleby‐Mallinder, D. Boche, W. Wei, P. Heath, J.E Simpson, J.R Highey Exploring the Neuroinflammatory Response of the Motor Cortex and Spinal Cord in Human Motor Neurone Disease. O25
11:45 J. Mikol, J Delmotte, D Jouy, E Vaysset, JP Deslys, E Comoy Transmission of BSE in macaque after finger incision O26
12:00 R. Hickman, YJ Yang, KR Croce, CJ Griffey, K Kirwan, X Flowers, S Leskinen, K Marder, JPG Vonsattel, A Yamamoto Variation of Huntingtin aggregate density across the human neocortex of Huntington's disease may be partly due to neocortical differences in autophagic clearance O27
12:15 D. Koss, O Bondarevaite, S Adams, M Leite, J Attems, F Giorgini and T Outeiro Determination of the pathological involvement of the vesicular trafficking protein RAB39B in idiopathic variants of neurodegenerative disease O28
12:30–13:45 Lunch and POSTER DISCUSSION
14:30–14:45 Coffee break
14:45 SIXTH SCIENTIFIC SESSION‐ Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and mitochondrial disease
Chairs: Maria Thom, Colin Smith
14:45 B. Cooze, M. Dickerson, R. Loganathan, R. Magliozzi, R. Bevan, L. Watkins, R. Reynolds, JW. Neal, OW. Howell The contribution of thalamic pathology to progressive multiple sclerosis outcome O29
15:00 M. Pisa, S. Yee, A. Smart, E. Simoes, M.M. Esiri, L. Leocani, G.C.DeLuca Anterior optic pathway pathology in demyelinating CNS diseases O30
15:15 C. Chen, D. McDonald, A. Blain, A. Sachdeva, L. Boyd, A. Smith, C. Warren, C. Lawless, A. Filby, A. Vincent, D. Turnbull, A. Reeve Imaging mass cytometry analysis of mitochondrial defect in human substantia neuron: Complex I deficiency and beyond O31
15:30 L. Smith, D Erskine, N Lax, R Taylor, R McFarland The specific loss of interneurons underlying epilepsy in Alpers‐Huttenlocher Syndrome O32
15:45 E. Olkhova, C Bradshaw, YS Ng, NZ Lax, FEN LeBeau, GS Gorman Investigating hyperexcitable neuronal networks in mitochondrial disease O33
16:00–16.30 Close of Conference and Abstract Award Presentations

Poster Presentations
Displayed in the Philip Ullman Wing of UCL GOS ICH 5th – 6th March 2020
M. Jensen, KSJ Allinson Clinico‐Pathological Co‐Occurrence of Fahr's Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies P01
N. Malik, M. Miah, K. McAleese, T. Outeiro, A. Thomas and D. Koss Contribution of amyloid and tau white matter pathology to the spatial spread of Alzheimer's disease pathology P02
I.Hartnell, D Blum, J A R Nicoll, G Dorothee, D Boche The role of neuroinflammation in FTLD‐tau P03
R. Beardmore, D. Boche, A. Darekar, M. Durkin, C. Holmes, R. Hou The locus coeruleus in Alzheimer's disease: a potential biomarker P04
N. Visanji, A Maluach, AE Lang, GG Kovacs A systematic neuropathologic evaluation of Down syndrome: a complex multiproteinopathy P05
A. King, C Troakes, I Bodi, C McLoughlin, H‐J Chen, C E Shaw Neuropathological features of ALS cases with TARDBP mutations both adjacent to, and distant from, RNA binding domains P06
C. Bettencourt, SC Foti, Y Miki, T Warner, T Revesz, T Lashley, R Balazs, E Viré, JL Holton Parallel profiling of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in post‐mortem brain tissue of multiple system atrophy patients P07
M. Ali, J Nimmo, M MacGregor‐Sharp, D.A. Johnston, R.O. Weller, R.O.Carare Advances in 3D‐imaging of tracers in the brain. Significance for Alzheimer's disease. P08
K. McAleese, L Walker, D Erskine, J Attems The impact of concomitant LATE‐NC on hyperphosphorylated‐τ pathology and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease P09
K. Ebanks, J. Hardy, T. Warner, P. Lewis, R. Bandopadhyay Analysis of selective vesicular proteins in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis P10
E. Placido, D J Koss, P S Brocardo, T F Outeiro Cell proliferation and differentiation in Parkinson`s Disease P11
P. Greer, A Reeve, I McKeith, D Erskine Astrocytic α‐synucleinopathy in dementia with Lewy bodies P12
C. Hatton, YS Ng, DM Turnbull, D Erskine The cholinergic basal forebrain and cognitive impairment in mitochondrial disease and Lewy body dementia P13
B. Boon, M Bulk, AJ Jonker, THJ Morrema, E van den Berg, M Popovic, J Walter, S Kumar, R Natté, L van der Weerd, FH Bouwman, WDJ van de Berg, JJM Hoozemans, AJM Rozemuller The coarse‐grained Aβ plaque; a ‘new’ kid on the block in early‐onset Alzheimer's disease, showing a strong association with both inflammatory and vascular changes P14
S Jones, C Troakes, I Bodi Tau‐positive glial cytoplasmic granules are hallmark of multiple system atrophy P15
Z. Reisz, I Bodi Fatal thrombolysis‐related intracerebral haemorrhagic complication associated with amyloid‐β‐related angiitis P16
B. Frias, A Isaacs,T Lashley Characterisation of SRSF2 in neurodegenerative diseases P17
H. Rupawala, K Shah, X Peng, L Granat, J Rose, C Troakes, A Morgan, T Hortobagyi, T Spires‐Jones, W Noble, KP Giese Plaque Associated CSPalpha Protein Accumulations Discovered in Alzheimer's Disease P18
C. Troakes, A. Hye, S. Jones, R. Killick, S. Al‐Sarraj DKK‐1 is associated with pathological hallmarks in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies and is also seen in head injury P19
E. Velentza‐Almpani, N. Bengoa‐Vergniory, A. Silva, C. Scott, J. Spence, M. Sastre, R. Wade‐Martins, J. Alegre‐Abarrategui Understanding the pathophysiological role of early tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease by their direct visualisation in situ P20
E. Comoy, J Mikol, J Delmotte, E Vaysset, D Jouy, JP Deslys Risk analysis of low‐dose prion exposures in cynomolgus macaque P21
C. Pang, MH Soerensen, K Lee, KC Luk, VMY Lee, JQ Trojanowski, W Noble, RCC Chang Using 6OHDA and aSyn PFFs to explore the role of tau mediated loss of synaptic dysfunction leading to cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease P22
S. Yee, R. L. Yates, M. M. Esiri, G. C. DeLuca Perivascular Astrocyte Expression in the Multiple Sclerosis Motor Cortex P23
A.Dijkstra, S.Haify, N.A. Verwey, N.D. Prins, L.W. Severijnen, A.J.M. Rozemuller, W.F.A. den Dunnen, R.Willemsen, R.K. Hukema, J.J.M. Hoozemans Neuropathology of Fragile‐X associated neuropsychiatric disorders (FXAND) P24
S. Patodia, A. Somani, A. Cattaneo, B. Paradiso, M. Garcia, B. Diehl, J. Foong, M. Thom Serotonin Transporter in Temporal Lobe and Amygdala: Relationship to Psychiatric History and SUDEP P25
S. Patodia, F. Chung, A. Somani, M. Thom Increased c‐fos neurones in the anterior cingulate cortex in SUDEP P26
L. Wilson, L. Heraty, B. Ashford, J. Highley Tissue Microarray (TMA) Use in Post Mortem Neuropathology P27
O. Jennings, A Ajikumar, PR Heath, SB Wharton, JE Simpson Transcriptomic profile of the blood‐brain barrier in age‐associated white matter lesions P28
E. Georgiou, I Coldicott, A Varcianna, P R Heath Use of FACs to isolate targeted neurons for transcriptomic analysis P29
A.Kumar, G Soosay, M Thom Amoebic encephalitis mimicking CNS tumour : A case report P30
Z. Reisz, M Gallagher, K Ashkan, C Fisher, I Bodi Intraventricular myxoid angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma with EWSR1 rearrangement P31
E. Byrne, C Turnquist, D Pehl, M Hofer Meningothelial hamartoma: two case illustrations and a literature review P32
E. Byrne C Turnquist, D Pehl, M Hofer A rare dural ‐based lesion: Histology and a literature review P33
V. Mikkelsen, HY Dai, AL Stensjøen, EM Berntsen, Ø Salvesen, O Solheim, SH Torp MGMT promoter methylation status is not related to histological or radiological features in treatment‐naïve glioblastoma patients P34
R. Solomon, A Ismail How specific do histology of diffuse glioma and 1p19q status correlate? P35
C. Turnquist, E. Byrne, D. Pehl, M. Hofer, N. Gray, G. Turner A case study of primary central nervous system T‐cell lymphoma P36
C. Turnquist, E. Byrne, D. Pehl, M. Hofer A case series of focal areas of signal intensity (FASI) in neurofibromatosis type 1 P37
I. Wickersham, L. Rutigliani, T. Lavin, HA. Sullivan, M. Matsuyama Evaluating Monosynaptic Properties of Second‐Generation Rabies Virus Tracing Technique P38
S Chakraborti, P Pal Audit of molecular data obtained on gliomas between January 2018 to May 2019 at The Walton Centre P39





主持人:英国纽卡斯尔纽卡斯尔大学Tiago Outeiro教授和德国哥廷根哥廷根大学医学中心
Tammaryn Lashley博士,英国伦敦大学学院皇后广场神经病学研究所皇后广场脑库研究主管,神经退行性疾病首席研究员
12:00 注册
12:50 欢迎和介绍 Tiago Outeiro,塔玛琳·拉什利
13:00 ions病毒,病毒疾病和类似ion病毒的疾病:证据和启示 西蒙·米德(Simon Mead),伦敦大学伦敦分校疾病研究所,伦敦大学伦敦分校神经病学教授兼MRC监狱部副主任
14:15 PD和AD灵长类动物模型中的细胞到细胞繁殖 Jeff Kordower,The Alla V.和Solomon Jesmer神经科学教授,拉什医学院,神经科学系,美国芝加哥
15:00 下午茶
15:30 牛磺酸对神经元的脆弱性 Karen Duff,美国纽约哥伦比亚大学病理学和细胞生物学教授,英国痴呆研究所UCL名誉教授,副主任
16:15 TDP-43蛋白病中疾病异质性的分子基础 Magdalini Polymendou,瑞士苏黎世大学定量生物医学系教授
17:00 短暂休息
17:15 Dorothy Russell纪念讲座神经退行性疾病中错误折叠蛋白的传递:疾病发展的常见机制 弗吉尼亚·李,约翰·H·韦尔宾夕法尼亚大学阿尔兹海默氏病研究基金会第三任教授佩雷尔曼医学院神经退行性疾病研究中心主任
18.15 UCL GOS ICH酒会
08:00 注册
08:50 会议开幕– BNS总裁Colin Smith教授
09:00–10:15 第一次科学会议–脑血管疾病
9:00 R. Waller, PR Heath,JE Simpson,Y。Hase,RN Kalaria,SB Wharton中风后患痴呆症的人的脑细胞会发生什么变化? O01
9:15 Y Hase, V Foster,R Waller,JE Simpson,P Heath,SB Wharton,RN卒中后幸存者的新皮层非锥体神经元 O02
9:30 S Saito M Tanaka,N Satoh-Asahara,RO Carare,RO Weller,M Ihara Taxifolin是一种新型的脑淀粉样血管病治疗剂 O03
9:45 KE McAleese M Mohi,S.Graham,G Baker,L Walker,C.DeCarli,D Koss,J.Attems阿尔茨海默氏病中额叶白质病的病因与神经退行性和缺血性机制相关 O04
10:00 J. Greenwood T Wand,M Gatherer,A Keable,Z Rickard,C Smith,J.Attems,RO Weller,RO Carare淋巴结标记LYVE1存在于人类脑实质中。 O05
10:15–10:45 茶歇和海报讨论
10:45–11:30 临床最新动态:胚胎肿瘤的实用诊断Thomas Jacques教授
11:30–12:45 第二届学术会议–中枢神经系统肿瘤
主持人:凯瑟琳娜·库里安(Kathreena Kurian),托马斯·雅克(Thomas Jacques)
11:30 A.Tofias, H Barber,B Lander,A Daniels,JJ Gong,Y Ren,X Ren,Y Liang,P White,KM Kurian使用数字空间分析技术对甲基化的免疫肿瘤靶标进行了先进的分子表征,而未甲基化的IDH-野生型胶质母细胞瘤 O06
11:45 T. Millner,B.Ricci,X.Zhang,N.Pomella,S.Marino对人胶质母细胞瘤中新型BMI1 / Ephrin连接的临床前治疗靶向 O07
12:00 D.Ghasemi, K Okonechnikov,JP Mallm,K Lappalainen,K Bauer,MS Liberio,L​​ Giese,KK Maass,M Kool,DTW Jones,A von Deimling,SM Pfister,A Korshunov,KW Pajtler单核RNA测序揭示了瘤内广泛结节性髓母细胞瘤(MBEN)的异质性 O08
12:15 E Byrne D Pehl和M Hofer BCAT-1作为IDH野生型胶质母细胞瘤的替代标志物 O09
12:30 我Smolicz, JC Pickles,TJ Stone,AR Fairchild,SW Ahmed,J Chalker,C Dryden,J Gonzalez Zapata,B Herron,AR Joshi,T Mistry,OK Ogunbiyi,A Rolland,L Wilkhu,SA Yasin,A Merve,BN哈丁,D哈格拉夫,新泽西州塞比尔,TS雅克
儿科中枢神经系统晚期肿瘤的遗传改变:下一代测序研究 O10
12:45–14:00 午餐和海报讨论
14.00-15.45 第三届学术会议–α-突触核病
主持人:塞思·洛夫(Seth Love),约翰内斯·阿特姆斯(Johannes Attems)
14:00 S Patel,B Tilley,RKB Pearce,S Gentleman A路易氏体和帕金森氏病痴呆患者痴呆脑干核的临床病理研究 O11
14:15 C.Bettencourt SC Foti,Y Miki,IS Piras,J Botia,T Warner,T Revesz,T Lashley,R Balazs,EViré,MJ Huentelman,JL Holton在多系统萎缩患者的死后脑组织中进行DNA甲基化分析导致鉴定了MOBP和其他基因座的分子变化 O12
14:30 T Eid, T Lashley,T Warner,R Bandopadhyay,J Hardy,J Holton和P Francis改变了与GBA突变相关的α-突触核蛋白病中的突触和星形胶质蛋白。 O13
14:45 D. Koss D Erskine,J Attems和T Outeiro解决路易体病中α-突触核蛋白的核定位问题 O14
15:00 D.厄斯金 ķ西德普拉,HN赖,DM特恩布尔,J Attems快速扣球中间神经元漏洞路易体痴呆 O15
15:15 D. Erskine N Majbour,M Kauser,M Xylaki,J Attems,T Outeiro,O El-Agnaf在帕金森氏病痴呆和路易体痴呆之间,新型α-突触核蛋白物种的区域表达不同 O16
15:30 Y. Miki H Ling,SC Foti,D Hansen,KM Strand,YT Asi,Z Jaunmuktane,AJ Lees,TT Warner,N Quinn,JL Holton海马α-突触核蛋白病理与多系统萎缩中的记忆障碍相关 O17
15:45–16:15 茶歇和海报讨论
16:15 神经病理学工作量演示。道森
16:30 商务会议
17:30 专业事务会议
19:30 土窖的社会晚宴
08:00 注册
9:00–10:15 第四届科学会议– tau和Aβ蛋白病
9:00 K. McAleese S Colloby,J Attems,A Thomas,PT弗朗西斯(Francis)混合性脑病是痴呆研究人群中大多数痴呆的原因 O18
9:15 S. Yap, MC Wren,B Frias Garrido,NC Fox,EÅrstad,T Lashley,K Sander对tau放射性示踪剂的高敏感性可以描述tau在阿尔茨海默氏病前驱病例中的扩散 O19
9:30 M. Matuszyk L Ferraiuolo A Taylor,P Davis,R Staniforth,CJ Garwood,SB Wharton表征星形胶质细胞对寡聚和原纤维Aβ的不同反应 O20
9:45 S. Kaalund, L Passamonti,KSJ Allinson,AG Murley,TW Robbins,MG Spillantini,JB Rowe Locus蓝斑病在进展性核上性麻痹中的病理与疾病严重程度相关。 O21
10:00 L. Walker, E Jacobs,McAleese KE,Johnson M和Attems J衰老细胞是否在阿尔茨海默氏病中起作用? O22
10:15–10:45 茶歇和海报讨论
11:00–12:30 第五届科学会议–混合性神经退行性疾病
主持人:罗宾·海利(Robin Highley),塔玛琳·拉什利(Tammaryn Lashley)
11:00 P. GAMI-帕特尔 M. Scarioni,F. Bouwman,YAL Pijnenburg,P. Scheltens,AJM Rozemuller,JJM Hoozemans,AA的Dijkstra在额颞痴呆选择性脆弱性的Gabrq表达人口前扣带皮层 O23
11:15 A. Oliver-Evans, D Koss,A Thomas,D Erskine,J Attems神经退行性疾病中前额叶皮层单胺能神经支配的改变 O24
11:30 B.阿什福德 C.Appleby-Mallinder,D.博凯,W.伟P.希思,JE辛普森,JR Highey探索人类运动神经元疾病的运动皮质和脊髓的神经炎症反应。 O25
11:45 J. Mikol, J Delmotte,D Jouy,E Vaysset,JP Deslys,E Comoy在手指切口后在猕猴中传播BSE O26
12:00 R. Hickman YY Yang,KR Croce,CJ Griffey,K Kirwan,X Flowers,S Leskinen,K Marder,JPG Vonsattel,山本人在亨廷顿氏病人类新皮层中的亨廷顿聚集密度变化可能部分归因于新皮层差异自噬清除 O27
12:15 D. Koss,O Bondarevaite,S Adams,M Leite,J Attems,F Giorgini和T Outeiro确定水泡运输蛋白RAB39B在神经退行性疾病特发性变体中的病理学参与 O28
12:30–13:45 午餐和海报讨论
13:45–14:30 诊断幻灯片会议(包含EQA)
14:30–14:45 咖啡时间(休闲时光
14:45 第六届科学会议-多发性硬化症,癫痫和线粒体疾病
主持人:玛丽亚·汤姆(Maria Thom),科林·史密斯(Colin Smith)
14:45 B.CoozeM.DickersonR.LoganathanR.MagliozziR.BevanL.Watkins R.Reynolds,JW。尼尔,OW。豪威尔丘脑病理学对进行性多发性硬化症结局的贡献 O29
15:00 M. Pisa, S。Yee,A。Smart,E。Simoes,MM Esiri,L.Leocani,GCDeLuca脱髓鞘性中枢神经系统疾病的前路光学通路病理 O30
15:15 C. Chen D.McDonald,A.Blain,A.Sachdeva,L.Boyd,A.Smith,C.Warren,C.Lawless,A.Filby,A.Vincent,D.Turnbull,A.Reeve Imaging mass cytometry实质神经元线粒体缺陷的分析:复合体I缺乏症及其他 O31
15:30 L.史密斯 d厄斯,N松懈,R泰勒,R麦克法兰在阿尔珀斯-Huttenlocher综合征底层癫痫的interneurons的具体损失 O32
15:45 E. Olkhova, C Bradshaw,YS Ng,NZ Lax,FEN LeBeau,GS Gorman研究线粒体疾病中的过度兴奋性神经元网络 O33
16:00–16.30 会议闭幕和摘要颁奖典礼

于UCL GOS ICH的Philip Ullman翼中展出2020年3月5至6
M. JensenKSJ Allinson Fahr病和痴呆与路易体的临床病理并发 P01
N. Malik, M。Miah,K。McAleese,T。Outeiro,A。Thomas和D. Koss淀粉样蛋白和tau白质病理对阿尔茨海默氏病病理空间分布的贡献 P02
I.Hartnell D Blum,JAR Nicoll,G Dorothee, DBoche神经炎症在FTLD-tau中的作用 P03
R. Beardmore D.Boche,A.Darekar,M.Durkin,C.Holmes,R.Hou阿尔茨海默氏病中的蓝斑基因:潜在的生物标记 P04
N. Visanji A Maluach,AE Lang,GG Kovacs对唐氏综合症的系统神经病理学评估:一种复杂的多蛋白病 P05
A. King C Troakes,I Bodi,C McLoughlin,HJ Chen,CE Shaw TALSBP突变且与RNA结合域相邻且相距较远的ALS病例的神经病理学特征 P06
C. Bettencourt, SC Foti,Y Miki,T Warner,T Revesz,T Lashley,R Balazs,EViré,JL Holton进行多系统萎缩患者死后脑组织DNA甲基化和羟甲基化的平行分析 P07
M. Ali, J Nimmo,M MacGregor-Sharp,DA Johnston,RO Weller,ROCarare大脑中示踪剂的3D成像技术不断进步。对阿尔茨海默氏病的意义。 P08
K. McAleese L Walker,D Erskine,J Attems伴随的LATE-NC对阿尔茨海默氏病的高磷酸化病理和认知功能下降的影响 P09
K. Ebanks J。Hardy,T。Warner,P。Lewis,R。Bandopadhyay分析帕金森病发病机理中的选择性囊泡蛋白 P10
E. Placido DJ Koss,PS Brocardo,TF Outeiro帕金森氏病中的细胞增殖和分化 P11
P. Greer A Reeve,I McKeith,D Erskine星形胶质细胞性痴呆伴路易小体 P12
C. Hatton YS Ng,DM Turnbull,D Erskine线粒体疾病和路易体痴呆症的胆碱能基础前脑和认知障碍 P13
B.文中,M批量,AJ的Jonker,THJ Morrema,E范登贝尔赫,男Popovic的,J沃尔特,S库马尔,RNatté,L范德瓦Weerd,FH Bouwman,WDJ范·德·伯格,JJM Hoozemans,AJM Rozemuller粗粒状Aβ斑块;一个早发的阿尔茨海默氏病的“新”孩子,与炎症和血管变化密切相关 P14
S Jones,C Troakes,I Bodi Tau阳性胶质细胞质颗粒是多系统萎缩的标志 P15
Z. Reisz, I Bodi 与淀粉样β相关的血管炎相关的致命溶栓相关性脑出血并发症 P16
B. Frias Isaacs,T Lashley神经退行性疾病中SRSF2的表征 P17
H. Rupawala K Shah,X Peng,L Granat,J Rose,C Troakes,A Morgan,T Hortobagyi,T Spires‐Jones,W Noble,KP在阿兹海默氏病中发现的Giese斑块相关的CSPalpha蛋白积累 P18
C. Troakes,A。Hye,S。Jones,R。Killick,S。Al -Sarraj DKK-1与阿尔茨海默氏病和其他tauopathies的病理标志有关,也可见于头部受伤 P19
E. Velentza-Almpani, N.Bengoa -Vergniory, A.Silva, C.Scott, J.Spence, M.Sastre, R.Wade-Martins,J.Alegre-Abarrategui了解早期tau聚集体在阿尔茨海默氏病中的病理生理作用通过直接观察原位 P20
E. Comoy J Mikol,J Delmotte,E Vaysset,D Jouy,JP Deslys食蟹猕猴低剂量病毒暴露的风险分析 P21
C. Pang MH Soerensen,K Lee,KC Luk,VMY Lee,JQ Trojanowski,W Noble,RCC Chang使用6OHDA和aSyn PFF探索tau介导的突触功能障碍丧失导致帕金森氏病的认知功能障碍的作用 P22
S. Yee RL Yates,MM Esiri,GC DeLuca多发性硬化运动皮层中血管星形胶质细胞的表达 P23
A.Dijkstra S.Haify,NA Verwey,ND Prins,LW Severijnen,AJM Rozemuller,WFA den Dunnen,R.Willemsen,RK Hukema,JJM Hoozemans脆弱X相关神经精神疾病(FXAND)的神经病理学 P24
S. Patodia A。Somani A。Cattaneo B.Paradiso M。Garcia B.Diehl J.Foong M。Thom颞叶和杏仁核中的血清素转运蛋白:与精神病史和SUDEP的关系 P25
S. Patodia F。Chung A。Somani M。Thom在SUDEP的前扣带回皮质中增加c-fos神经元 P26
L. Wilson L.Heraty,B.Ashford,J.Highley组织微阵列(TMA)在后态神经病理学中的应用 P27
O. Jennings A Ajikumar,PR Heath,SB Wharton,JE Simpson与年龄相关的白质病变中血脑屏障的转录组学特征 P28
E. Georgiou I Coldicott,A Varcianna,PR Heath使用FAC分离目标神经元以进行转录组分析 P29
A.Kumar,G Soosay,M Thom模仿CNS肿瘤的阿米巴性脑炎:一例报告 P30
Z. Reisz M Gallagher,K Ashkan,C Fisher,I Bodi EWSR1重排的脑室内粘液样血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤 P31
E. Byrne C Turnquist,D Pehl,M Hofer脑膜错构瘤:两个病例插图和文献复习 P32
E. Byrne C Turnquist,D Pehl,M Hofer一种罕见的基于硬脑膜的病变:组织学和文献综述 P33
V. Mikkelsen HY Dai,ALStensjøen,EM Berntsen,ØSalvesen,O Solheim,SH Torp MGMT启动子甲基化状态与未接受过治疗的胶质母细胞瘤患者的组织学或放射学特征无关 P34
R. Solomon,A Ismail弥漫性神经胶质瘤的组织学与1p19q状态之间有何具体联系? P35
C. Turnquist, E.拜恩,D. Pehl,M. Hofer的,N.灰色,G.特纳原发性中枢神经系统T细胞淋巴瘤为例 P36
C. Turnquist, E.拜恩,D. Pehl,M. Hofer的在型神经纤维瘤病1的情况下一系列的信号强度(FASI)的病灶区的 P37
I. Wickersham,L。Rutigliani,T。Lavin,HA。Sullivan,M。Matsuyama评估第二代狂犬病病毒追踪技术的单突触特性 P38
S Chakraborti, P Pal 2018年1月至2019年5月间在沃尔顿中心对神经胶质瘤分子数据的审核 P39
