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Adakitic signal linked to Gondwanan porphyry type deposits from the Andean Frontal Cordillera of Argentina
Geochemistry ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2020.125634
María Gabriela Torres , Nora Rubinstein , Gregory Poole , Steffen Hagemann

The Yalguaraz Cu - (Mo) porphyry deposit, genetically linked to the early Permian magmatism (279.9 ± 3.2 Ma), is located at the eastern margin of the Andean Frontal Cordillera of Argentina, 15 km north of the Permian San Jorge Cu porphyry deposit. The geochemistry of this Gondwanan metal-bearing magmatism reveals an arc affinity and an adakite-like signature. The petrogenetic analysis of these rocks also suggests assimilation of the continental crust in the source magmas and a change in the residual mineralogy from amphibole ± plagioclase in San Jorge magmas, to garnet in Yalguaraz magmas. This change to a higher-pressure residual mineralogy suggests increasing crustal thickness, which is consistent with regional geodynamic changes including progressive shallowing probably due to the subduction of an aseismic ridge south of 31°S in the Andes of Argentina during the lower Permian.



与早期二叠纪岩浆作用(279.9±3.2 Ma)遗传相关的Yalguaraz Cu-(Mo)斑岩矿床位于阿根廷的安第斯前额山脉的东部边缘,在二叠纪圣豪尔赫铜斑岩矿床以北15公里处。冈瓦纳含金属的岩浆作用的地球化学揭示了弧的亲和力和类似ad石的特征。这些岩石的岩石成因分析还表明,源岩浆中的大陆壳同化,并且残留矿物学也发生了变化,从圣豪尔赫岩浆中的角闪石±斜长石到雅拉瓜岩浆中的石榴石。这种向高压残余矿物学的转变表明地壳厚度增加,
