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Integrins-Mediators of cellular adhesion or more?
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13482
Juergen Eckel 1

In the current issue of Acta Physiologica, Nielsen and co‐workers publish a paper entitled "Regulation of integrin alpha6 by lactogenic hormones in rat pancreatic beta‐cells: Implications for the physiological adaptation to pregnancy" in which the authors describe a novel pathway for increased beta‐cell replication in response to lactogenic hormones like prolactin and growth hormone, both key players in the enlargement of pancreatic beta‐cell mass during pregnancy.1 This pathway involves selective upregulation of the integrin subunit alpha6 and was also observed during pregnancy in vivo. Furthermore, the authors show that this process involves synergistic activation of STAT5 signalling by both laminin‐integrin interaction and hormonal stimulation. Integrins are transmembrane receptors composed of one alpha and one beta subunit, and are instrumental for cellular adhesion and interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM).2 The beta‐subunit is involved in mediating intracellular signalling and specifically the beta1 subunit has been shown to activate a variety of protein kinases like focal adhesion kinase (FAK), extracellular‐regulated kinase (ERK) and protein kinase B (AKT), all involved in growth and cell survival. In the current study the authors confirm the high level expression of integrin beta1 in pancreatic islets, and demonstrate by immunohistochemical staining that the majority of integrin alpha6beta1 is localized in the beta‐cell core of the islets. Interestingly, alpha6beta1 represents an integrin receptor that specifically binds to laminins, complex heterotrimeric glycoproteins of the basal membrane that have been shown to promote beta‐cell proliferation and prolong beta‐cell survival.3 Thus, the paper by Nielsen and co‐workers highlights a new axis between lactogenic hormones and the integrin‐ECM interaction that is required for adaptational regulation of pancreatic beta‐cell mass, a process playing a key role during pregnancy. The current study was performed in rats and substantial differences exist between rodents and humans regarding the interaction between pancreatic beta‐cells and the ECM. Whereas in rodents the increase in beta‐cell mass in the maternal pancreas is due to beta‐cell replication,4 neogenesis of beta‐cells from progenitor cells is of major importance in humans. However, this process may also be dependent on ECM interactions and, as discussed by the authors, the formation of an ECM network may be crucial for beta‐cell generation and expansion throughout life. In this context, the authors put forward the intriguing hypothesis that expression of integrin alpha6beta1 is a prerequisite for postnatal replication competence of the beta‐cells. This hypothesis merits additional investigations in the future.

Malfunction of beta‐cell formation due to an increasing demand on insulin secretion, as observed during pregnancy, leads to hyperglycaemia, a setting termed "gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)." As recommended by the WHO, the term GDM should only be used when hyperglycaemia is first detected during pregnancy. GDM can be considered as the most common medical complication of pregnancy, affecting up to 10% of pregnancies depending on the population study, generating both maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes. The latter is related to excessive foetal growth, but the long‐term risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in women is of specific concern. In addition, GDM is known to confer an additional risk for diabetes and obesity in the offspring.5 It is well known that a progressive state of insulin resistance develops during normal pregnancy, which becomes most prominent during the third trimester. This insulin resistance is related to a number of factors including increased levels of oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol. Furthermore, cytokines and hormones released from the placenta contribute to this process. In addition, maternal obesity, lack of exercise and a higher caloric intake augment the loss of insulin sensitivity and the state of glucose intolerance. The increasing demand on the maternal pancreas for secreting higher amounts of insulin can only be compensated by an increase in the maternal beta‐cell mass. The study by Nielsen and co‐workers shows a biphasic increase of integrin alpha6 expression during pregnancy, with a high expression in late pregnancy when proliferation has declined. The authors therefore conclude that this integrin does not per se stimulate proliferation of beta‐cells. It is suggested, that this adhesion molecule may play a permissive role in the function of the prolactin receptor in the adaptation of pancreatic beta‐cells to pregnancy. The functional significance of the laminin‐integrin alpha6beta1 interaction is demonstrated by disruption of this process through application of a disintegrin peptide. Mechanistically, integrin‐mediated regulation of beta‐cell growth needs future investigations. As suggested previously, one possibility is the role of integrins as scaffolds building up efficient growth factor signalilng complexes.6 In addition, integrins do have signalling capacity despite the lack of enzymatic activity. One example is FAK, a tyrosine kinase interacting with signalling molecules like Grb2 resulting in the activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK). Another candidate is the integrin‐linked kinase (ILK), which is activated by integrin beta1 ‐2, and ‐3. The final target of ILK is AKT, which is well known to be of key importance for beta‐cell replication and function.

Beyond GDM, pancreatic beta‐cell replacement is another topic where adhesion of the beta‐cell to elements of the basal membrane is of key importance. Beta‐cell replacement by islet transplantation has experienced substantial progress in recent years. This includes novel transplant sites and encapsulation approaches to protect the islets. In this context, the ECM plays an important role to mediate long‐term graft survival and function. Using a decellularization approach and quantitative mass spectometry, the human pancreatic ECM has recently been characterized.7 In that study, 120 ECM‐associated proteins were identified including 7 laminin proteins. Removal of this highly complex environment, as is the case in highly purified islets, leads to an integrin‐mediated form of apoptosis named anoikis (meaning "without a home"). Very recently, a pharmacological approach to pancreatic‐beta cell replacement has been reported based on the transdifferentiation of pancreatic‐alpha to ‐beta cells induced by GABergic signaling.8 This plasticity is remarkable, however, controversial data have been reported and it is presently unclear if this process may be of relevance in humans. Intriguingly, it is known that ECM proteins like laminin and fibronectin are involved in transdifferentiation processes, but the role of the pancreatic ECM in this process remains underexplored and should be addressed in future studies.

In conclusion, the paper by Nielsen and co‐workers sheds new light on the physiological mechanisms of pregnancy‐related adaptation of the pancreas and underpins the prominent role of interaction between the ECM and the pancreatic beta‐cell for survival and functional competence.






