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Prioritising conservation actions for Pacific salmon in Canada
Journal of Applied Ecology ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13646
Jessica C. Walsh 1 , Katrina Connors 2, 3 , Eric Hertz 2 , Laura Kehoe 4, 5, 6 , Tara G. Martin 6 , Brendan Connors 7 , Michael J. Bradford 8 , Cameron Freshwater 9 , Alejandro Frid 10, 11 , Jessica Halverson 1 , Jonathan W. Moore 1 , Michael H. H. Price 1 , John D. Reynolds 1

Current investment in conservation is insufficient to adequately protect and recover all ecosystems and species. The challenge of allocating limited funds is acute for Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in Canada, which lack a strategic approach to ensure that resources are spent on actions most likely to cost-effectively recover diminished populations. We applied the Priority Threat Management framework to prioritize strategies most likely to maximize the number of thriving Pacific salmon populations on the Central Coast of British Columbia, Canada. These included 79 genetically, ecologically and spatially distinct population groups called conservation units (CUs) for five salmon species. This region has high salmon biodiversity and spans the territories of four First Nations: the Heiltsuk, Nuxalk, Kitasoo/Xai'xais and Wuikinuxv. Using structured expert elicitation of Indigenous and other experts, we quantified the estimated benefits, costs and feasibility of implementing 10 strategies. Under a business-as-usual scenario (i.e. no additional investments in salmon conservation or management), experts predicted that only one in four CUs would have >50% chance of achieving a thriving status within 20 years. Limiting future industrial development in salmon habitats, which was predicted to safeguard CUs from future declines, was identified as the most cost-effective strategy. Investment in three strategies: (a) removal of artificial barriers to fish migration, (b) watershed protection and (c) stream restoration—at 11.3M CAD per year—was predicted to result in nearly half (34 of 79) of the CUs having a >60% chance of meeting the conservation objective. If all conservation strategies were implemented, experts estimated a >50% probability of achieving a thriving status for 78 of 79 CUs, at an annual cost of 17.3M CAD. However, even with the implementation of all strategies, most sockeye salmon CUs were unlikely to achieve higher probability targets of reaching the objective. Policy implications. We illustrate how Priority Threat Management can incorporate the perspectives and expertise of Indigenous peoples and other experts to prioritize conservation strategies based on their cost, benefit and feasibility. Implementation of this framework can help safeguard and recover Pacific salmon in Canada, and could also be used to prioritize actions for other conservation issues globally.



目前对保护的投资不足以充分保护和恢复所有生态系统和物种。分配有限资金的挑战对于太平洋鲑鱼 Oncorhynchus spp 来说是严峻的。加拿大缺乏战略方法来确保资源用于最有可能以具有成本效益的方式恢复减少人口的行动。我们应用了优先威胁管理框架来确定最有可能使加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省中部海岸繁荣的太平洋鲑鱼种群数量最大化的策略的优先级。其中包括 79 个在遗传、生态和空间上不同的种群,称为五种鲑鱼物种的保护单位 (CU)。该地区拥有丰富的鲑鱼生物多样性,横跨四个原住民的领土:海尔苏克、努沙克、Kitasoo/Xai'xais 和 Wuikinuxv。通过对土著和其他专家的结构化专家启发,我们量化了实施 10 项策略的估计收益、成本和可行性。在一切照旧的情况下(即没有对鲑鱼保护或管理进行额外投资),专家预测,只有四分之一的 CU 在 20 年内达到繁荣状态的机会超过 50%。限制鲑鱼栖息地未来的工业发展被认为是最具成本效益的战略,预计这将保护 CU 免受未来衰退的影响。对三种策略的投资:(a) 消除鱼类洄游的人为障碍,(b) 流域保护和 (c) 河流恢复——每年 1130 万加元——预计将导致近一半(79 个中的 34 个)的 CU达到保护目标的可能性大于 60%。如果实施所有保护策略,专家估计 79 个 CU 中的 78 个实现繁荣状态的可能性大于 50%,每年的成本为 1730 万加元。然而,即使实施了所有策略,大多数红鲑鱼 CU 不太可能实现更高概率的目标。政策影响。我们说明了优先威胁管理如何结合土著人民和其他专家的观点和专业知识,根据成本、收益和可行性确定保护策略的优先级。该框架的实施有助于保护和恢复加拿大的太平洋鲑鱼,也可用于优先考虑全球其他保护问题的行动。每年花费 1730 万加元。然而,即使实施了所有策略,大多数红鲑鱼 CU 不太可能实现更高概率的目标。政策影响。我们说明了优先威胁管理如何结合土著人民和其他专家的观点和专业知识,根据成本、收益和可行性确定保护策略的优先级。该框架的实施有助于保护和恢复加拿大的太平洋鲑鱼,也可用于优先考虑全球其他保护问题的行动。每年花费 1730 万加元。然而,即使实施了所有策略,大多数红鲑鱼 CU 不太可能实现更高概率的目标。政策影响。我们说明了优先威胁管理如何结合土著人民和其他专家的观点和专业知识,根据成本、收益和可行性确定保护策略的优先级。该框架的实施有助于保护和恢复加拿大的太平洋鲑鱼,也可用于优先考虑全球其他保护问题的行动。我们说明了优先威胁管理如何结合土著人民和其他专家的观点和专业知识,根据成本、收益和可行性确定保护策略的优先级。该框架的实施有助于保护和恢复加拿大的太平洋鲑鱼,也可用于优先考虑全球其他保护问题的行动。我们说明了优先威胁管理如何结合土著人民和其他专家的观点和专业知识,根据成本、收益和可行性确定保护策略的优先级。该框架的实施有助于保护和恢复加拿大的太平洋鲑鱼,也可用于优先考虑全球其他保护问题的行动。