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Opportunistic fungi found in fairy rings are present on different moss species in the Antarctic Peninsula
Polar Biology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02663-w
Luiz Henrique Rosa , Jordana Rosa Paiva de Sousa , Graciéle Cunha Alves de Menezes , Lívia da Costa Coelho , Micheline Carvalho-Silva , Peter Convey , Paulo Eduardo Aguiar Saraiva Câmara

We surveyed the distribution and diversity of fungi present in moss fairy rings from the South Shetland Islands. In the different islands accessed, the mosses Bartramia patens , Brachythecium austrosalebrosum , Bryum pseudotriquetrum , Pohlia nutans , Polytrichastrum alpinum , Sanionia uncinata , Syntrichia magellanica , and Syntrichia saxicola were infected with fairy rings. Among them, B. patens , B. pseudotriquetrum , P. nutans , P. alpinum , S. magellanica , and S. saxicola were reported for the first time as species susceptible to infection with fairy rings. From five different fairy ring moss species sampled, we isolated 40 fungal taxa identified as belonging to the genera Alpinaria , Cadophora , Cladosporium , Chalara , Cosmospora , Drechmera , Glarea , Gyoerffyella , Hymenoscyphus , Juncaceicola , Melanodiplodia , Mortierella , Mycosysmbioses , Pseudogymnoascus , Phoma , and Velucrispora . A high level of fungal richness was associated with the infected mosses, and Mortierella was the dominant genus. However, most of the fungi were present as minor components of the fungal assemblages. Among the mosses studied, S. uncinata harboured the greatest fungal diversity. Some fungal taxa present have previously been reported as opportunistic plant pathogens, including Cladosporium sp. and Phoma herbarum . We hypothesize that some of the fungi recovered from fairy ring mosses might represent secondary opportunistic pathogens and contribute to the reduced natural defences of the infected mosses, thus accelerating the dissemination of the pathogenic fairy rings in the Antarctic Peninsula. In addition, the presence of fairy rings on previously unreported moss species suggests that the disease may be becoming more widespread in Antarctica.



我们调查了南设得兰群岛苔藓仙环中真菌的分布和多样性。在访问的不同岛屿中,苔藓 Bartramia patens、Brachythecium austrosalebrosum、Bryum pseudotriquetrum、Pohlia nutans、Polytrichastrum alpinum、Sanionia uncinata、Syntrichia magellanica 和 Syntrichia saxicola 被仙环感染。其中,B. patens、B. pseudotriquetrum、P. nutans、P. alpinum、S. magellanica 和 S. saxicola 首次被报告为易感染仙环的物种。从五个不同的仙环苔藓样本中,我们分离出了 40 个真菌类群,它们被确定为属于 Alpinaria、Cadophora、Cladosporium、Chalara、Cosmospora、Drechmera、Glarea、Gyoerffyella、Hymenoscyphus、Juncaceicola、Moranodiplodia、Moranodiplodia 真菌共生体、假粘液菌、Phoma 和 Velucrispora。高水平的真菌丰富度与受感染的苔藓有关,并且被孢霉属是优势属。然而,大多数真菌作为真菌组合的次要成分存在。在研究的苔藓中,S. uncinata 拥有最大的真菌多样性。一些存在的真菌类群以前曾被报道为机会性植物病原体,包括枝孢菌属。和 Phoma 草本植物。我们假设从仙环苔藓中回收的一些真菌可能代表次要机会病原体,并导致受感染苔藓的自然防御能力降低,从而加速了病原仙环在南极半岛的传播。此外,