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BioSentinel: A 6U Nanosatellite for Deep-Space Biological Science
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1109/maes.2019.2953760
Antonio J. Ricco , Sergio R. Santa Maria , Robert P. Hanel , Sharmila Bhattacharya

BioSentinel is a 6U nanosatellite planned to launch in 2020 as a secondary payload onboard NASA's Space Launch System first exploration mission, Artemis-1, from which it will be deployed to a lunar fly-by trajectory leading to a heliocentric orbit. BioSentinel will conduct the first in situ measurements of biological response to space radiation outside low Earth orbit (LEO) in five decades; it will thus address strategic knowledge gaps related to the biological effects of space radiation. BioSentinel will measure the DNA damage and response to ambient space radiation in a model biological organism, which will be compared to information provided by an onboard physical radiation sensor and to data obtained in LEO (on the International Space Station) and on Earth. The spacecraft will operate in a deep-space environment with functions that include command and data handling, communications, power generation and energy storage, and attitude determination and control, including micropropulsion. The BioSentinel spacecraft advances multiple nanosatellite systems in order to function beyond LEO; by doing so, it provides an adaptable instrument platform to perform a range of human-exploration-relevant measurements in multiple space environments. BioSentinel's results will be critical for improving interpretation of the biological effects of space radiation exposure, and for reducing the risk to humans associated with long-term space exploration.


BioSentinel:用于深空生物科学的 6U 纳米卫星

BioSentinel 是一颗 6U 纳米卫星,计划于 2020 年发射,作为 NASA 太空发射系统第一次探索任务 Artemis-1 上的辅助有效载荷,它将被部署到通向日心轨道的月球飞越轨道。BioSentinel 将在五年内对低地球轨道 (LEO) 外空间辐射的生物反应进行首次原位测量;因此,它将解决与空间辐射的生物效应有关的战略知识差距。BioSentinel 将测量模型生物有机体中的 DNA 损伤和对环境空间辐射的反应,并将其与机载物理辐射传感器提供的信息以及在 LEO(在国际空间站)和地球上获得的数据进行比较。该航天器将在深空环境中运行,其功能包括指挥和数据处理、通信、发电和能量存储以及姿态确定和控制,包括微推进。BioSentinel 航天器推进了多个纳米卫星系统,以便在 LEO 之外发挥作用;通过这样做,它提供了一个适应性强的仪器平台,可以在多个空间环境中执行一系列与人类探索相关的测量。BioSentinel 的结果对于改进对空间辐射暴露的生物效应的解释以及降低与长期太空探索相关的人类风险至关重要。BioSentinel 航天器推进了多个纳米卫星系统,以便在 LEO 之外发挥作用;通过这样做,它提供了一个适应性强的仪器平台,可以在多个空间环境中执行一系列与人类探索相关的测量。BioSentinel 的结果对于改进对空间辐射暴露的生物效应的解释以及降低与长期太空探索相关的人类风险至关重要。BioSentinel 航天器推进了多个纳米卫星系统,以便在 LEO 之外发挥作用;通过这样做,它提供了一个适应性强的仪器平台,可以在多个空间环境中执行一系列与人类探索相关的测量。BioSentinel 的结果对于改进对空间辐射暴露的生物效应的解释以及降低与长期太空探索相关的人类风险至关重要。