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Video‐monitoring of wood discharge: first inter‐basin comparison and recommendations to install video cameras
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.4875
Hossein Ghaffarian 1, 2 , Hervé Piégay 2 , Diego Lopez 1 , Nicolas Rivière 1 , Bruce MacVicar 3 , Aurelie Antonio 2 , Emmanuel Mignot 1

Wood in rivers plays a major role both ecologically and morphologically. In recent decades, due to human activities in the river channels and along the riparian zone, wood obstruction and jamming has exacerbated flooding hazards and infrastructure damage. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify the wood flux and discharge in rivers to improve wood hazard management. Among the various methods for monitoring the wood flux in a river, the streamside videography technique is effective given its high temporal and spatial resolution. Previous work monitored the wood discharge (m3/s) using this technique in the Ain River (France) during three floods (MacVicar and Piégay, 2012), and the same method is implemented on the Isère River (France) to obtain the statistics of wood discharge for two floods. Comparison between the two sites supports the generalization of both the monitoring technique and the link between wood discharge and flood characteristics. We first show that the maximum wood discharge is observed at bankfull discharge, and we confirm the three stage model proposed by MacVicar and Piégay (2012). Additionally, transverse distributions of the number of wood pieces and corresponding wood length appear to be similar for different flood magnitudes on each site. As a technical contribution, the use of the same technique on two sites allows for recommendations on key decisions related to the location and implementation of the equipment. Both statistical and technical contributions can be used by decision makers to implement this monitoring technique, acquire the wood transport parameters, and evaluate the potential wood hazards at local scale or along a river. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



河流中的木材在生态和形态上都起着重要作用。近几十年来,由于河道和沿河带的人类活动,木材的阻塞和堵塞加剧了洪水的危害和基础设施的破坏。因此,有必要量化河流中的木材通量和排放量,以改善对木材的危害管理。在监测河流中木材通量的各种方法中,考虑到其高时空分辨率,河岸照相技术是有效的。先前的工作是监测木材排放量(m 3/ s)在三场洪水(MacVicar和Piégay,2012)期间在法国的艾因河中使用此技术,并且在伊泽尔河(法国)实施了相同的方法以获取两次洪水的木材排放统计数据。两者之间的比较支持监测技术的普遍化以及木材排放量与洪水特征之间的联系。我们首先表明最大的木材排放量是在河岸满溢处观察到的,并且我们确认了MacVicar和Piégay(2012)提出的三阶段模型。另外,对于每个站点上不同的洪水幅度,木件数量的横向分布和相应的木材长度似乎是相似的。作为技术贡献,在两个站点上使用相同的技术可以就与设备的位置和实施有关的关键决策提供建议。决策者可以使用统计和技术贡献来实施此监视技术,获取木材运输参数并评估本地或沿河的潜在木材危害。分级为4 +©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.