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Solitary bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) as connectors in pollination networks: the case of Rhodanthidium
Apidologie ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00765-2
Daniel Romero , Concepción Ornosa , Pablo Vargas , Jens M. Olesen

Bees (Apoidea) are the main pollinator group in Mediterranean ecosystems, having a dominant role as connectors of modules (groups of species tightly linked in pollination networks), but little is known about the role of particular species. Here, we analyse data from four Iberian networks, and we pay special attention to the role played by the solitary snail-shell bee Rhodanthidium sticticum (Fabricius, 1787) in shaping network modularity. Our results show that R. sticticum is a pollination generalist that acts as an important connector of modules, strongly influencing the topology of its networks. We also examined 51 networks from all over the world to determine the modular role of other Anthidiini species. Anthidiini were present in 14 of these networks and another Rhodanthidium species, but also two Anthidium species, played a role as connectors in their respective networks.


作为传粉网络连接器的孤蜂(膜翅目、Apoidea):以 Rhodanthidium 为例

蜜蜂(Apoidea)是地中海生态系统中的主要传粉群体,作为模块(在传粉网络中紧密相连的物种群体)的连接器具有主导作用,但对特定物种的作用知之甚少。在这里,我们分析了来自四个伊比利亚网络的数据,并特别关注了独居的蜗牛壳蜂 Rhodanthidium sticticum (Fabricius, 1787) 在塑造网络模块化方面的作用。我们的结果表明,R. sticticum 是一种传粉多面手,充当模块的重要连接器,强烈影响其网络的拓扑结构。我们还检查了来自世界各地的 51 个网络,以确定其他 Anthidiini 物种的模块化作用。Anthidiini 存在于这些网络中的 14 个和另一种 Rhodanthidium 物种中,但也存在两种