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Wildlife conflicts: wolves vs. moose
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbaa007
Anders Skonhoft 1 , Jan Tore Solstad 2

During the last few decades, the grey wolf (Canis lupus) has re-colonised Scandinavia. The current population counts some 430 individuals. With the wolf re-colonisation, several conflicts have arisen. One important conflict is due to wolf predation on moose (Alces alces). This conflict is studied under the assumption of landowner profit maximisation as well as routinised harvesting behaviour. The analysis emphasises how compensation for the predation loss affects landowner management and harvest profitability. The solutions to the landowner problems are also compared to the overall (social planner) management situation, where traffic costs due to moose–vehicle and railway collisions are included.



在过去的几十年中,灰太狼(Canis lupus)重新定居了斯堪的纳维亚半岛。目前的人口约有430人。随着狼的重新殖民化,出现了一些冲突。一个重要的冲突是由于狼捕食驼鹿(Alces alces)。在假定土地所有者利润最大化以及常规的采伐行为的前提下研究了这种冲突。分析强调了对掠夺损失的补偿如何影响土地所有者的管理和收获的获利能力。还将解决土地所有者问题的解决方案与总体(社会计划者)管理情况进行了比较,其中包括了驼鹿,车辆和铁路碰撞造成的交通成本。