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Telecommuting and other trips: an English case study
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102713
Hannah Budnitz , Emmanouil Tranos , Lee Chapman

Abstract This paper investigates the importance of non-work travel to the growing population of telecommuters and the implications of this for sustainable travel patterns. Previous research has identified a link between increased online access to work and reduced proximity between residential and workplace locations. These studies raise concerns that as more people split their work activities between home and external workplace, whilst living in more dispersed locations, more unsustainable transport impacts will be generated, including higher vehicle mileage, car dependency, and less physical activity. This paper counters that the implications of telecommuting and other flexible working practices for sustainable travel behaviours may be more dependent upon the number and type of non-work journeys and the accessibility of amenities for these purposes rather than on the distance to the workplace for less frequent commuting journeys. Using the National Travel Survey for England, the travel behaviours of those who identify themselves not as home workers but as working from home at least once a week are compared to other working adults by measuring and modelling the number and purpose of trips within a week's travel diary, independent of distance or mode. Telecommuters record fewer commute trips, more trips for other purposes, and the marginal utility of additional non-work trips to telecommuters is greater than for many other socio-economic characteristics. Thus, addressing the accessibility of non-work destinations proactively through local planning has the potential to optimise the sustainability benefits of telecommuting.



摘要 本文研究了非工作旅行对不断增长的远程办公人口的重要性及其对可持续旅行模式的影响。先前的研究已经确定了增加在线工作访问与减少住宅和工作地点之间的距离之间的联系。这些研究引起了人们的担忧,即随着越来越多的人在家庭和外部工作场所之间分配工作活动,同时生活在更分散的地方,将会产生更多不可持续的交通影响,包括更高的车辆里程、汽车依赖和更少的体育活动。本文反驳说,远程办公和其他灵活的工作实践对可持续旅行行为的影响可能更多地取决于非工作旅行的数量和类型以及用于这些目的的便利设施的可及性,而不是到工作场所的距离,因为频率较低通勤旅程。使用英格兰全国旅行调查,通过测量和建模一周旅行中的旅行次数和目的,将那些自称为每周至少一次在家工作的人的旅行行为与其他在职成年人进行比较日记,与距离或模式无关。远程上班族记录了更少的通勤旅行,更多的出于其他目的的旅行,远程办公者的额外非工作旅行的边际效用大于许多其他社会经济特征。因此,通过本地规划主动解决非工作目的地的可达性有可能优化远程办公的可持续性优势。