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Achieving agility and quality in product development - an empirical study of hardware startups
Journal of Systems and Software ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2020.110599
Vebjørn Berg , Jørgen Birkeland , Anh Nguyen-Duc , Ilias O. Pappas , Letizia Jaccheri

Abstract Context: Startups aim at scaling their business, often by developing innovative products with limited human and financial resources. The development of software products in the startup context is known as opportunistic, agility-driven, and with high tolerance for technical debt. The special context of hardware startups calls for a better understanding of state-of-the-practice of hardware startups’ activities. Objective: This study aimed to identify whether and how startups can achieve product quality while maintaining focus on agility. Method: We conducted an exploratory study with 13 hardware startups, collecting data through semi-structured interviews and analysis of documentation. We proposed an integrative model of agility and quality in hardware startups. Results: Agility in hardware startups is complex and not achieved through adoption of fast-paced development practices alone. Hardware startups follow a quality-driven approach for development of core components, where frequent user testing is a measure for early debt management. Hardware startups often lack mindset and strategies for achieving long-term quality in early stages. Conclusions: Hardware startups need attention to hardware quality to allow for evolutionary prototyping and speed. Future research should focus on defining quality-driven practices that contribute to agility, and strategies and mindsets to support long-term quality in the hardware startup context.


在产品开发中实现敏捷性和质量 - 硬件初创公司的实证研究

摘要背景:初创公司的目标是扩展业务,通常是在人力和财力有限的情况下开发创新产品。在创业环境中开发软件产品被称为机会主义、敏捷驱动和对技术债务的高度容忍。硬件初创公司的特殊背景要求更好地了解硬件初创公司活动的实践状况。目标:本研究旨在确定初创公司是否以及如何在保持对敏捷性的关注的同时实现产品质量。方法:我们对 13 家硬件初创公司进行了探索性研究,通过半结构化访谈和文档分析收集数据。我们在硬件初创公司中提出了敏捷性和质量的综合模型。结果:硬件初创公司的敏捷性很复杂,仅靠采用快节奏的开发实践是无法实现的。硬件初创公司遵循质量驱动的核心组件开发方法,其中频繁的用户测试是早期债务管理的一种措施。硬件初创公司通常缺乏在早期阶段实现长期质量的心态和策略。结论:硬件初创公司需要关注硬件质量,以实现进化原型设计和速度。未来的研究应侧重于定义有助于敏捷性的质量驱动实践,以及支持硬件启动环境中长期质量的策略和思维方式。频繁的用户测试是早期债务管理的一种措施。硬件初创公司通常缺乏在早期阶段实现长期质量的心态和策略。结论:硬件初创公司需要关注硬件质量,以实现进化原型设计和速度。未来的研究应侧重于定义有助于敏捷性的质量驱动实践,以及支持硬件启动环境中长期质量的策略和思维方式。频繁的用户测试是早期债务管理的一种措施。硬件初创公司通常缺乏在早期阶段实现长期质量的心态和策略。结论:硬件初创公司需要关注硬件质量,以实现进化原型设计和速度。未来的研究应侧重于定义有助于敏捷性的质量驱动实践,以及支持硬件启动环境中长期质量的策略和思维方式。