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A visual editing tool supporting the production of 3D interactive graphics assets for public exhibitions
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102450
Alberto Cannavò , Francesco De Pace , Federico Salaroglio , Fabrizio Lamberti

The introduction of interactive assets in public exhibitions is capable to significantly enhance the visitors’ user experience. However, the creation of interactive applications could represent a challenging task, especially for users lacking computer skills. Visual programming languages (VPLs) – one of the instruments belonging to the broad categories of methods and tools devised to support end-user development (EUD) – promise to offer an intuitive way to overcome these limitations, by providing easy-to-use and efficient interfaces for encoding applications’ logic. Moving from these considerations, this paper first analyses pros and cons of tools devised so far to support the generation of interactive contents. Then, it presents the design of a new tool named Visual Scene Editor (VSE), which allows users with little to no programming skills to create 3D interactive applications by combining available assets through an interactive, visual process. Both objective and subjective measurements have been collected with both skilled and unskilled users to evaluate the performance of the proposed tool. A comparison with existing solutions shows a reduction in the time required to complete the assigned tasks, of the complexity of the logic created, as well as of the number of errors made, confirming the suitability of the VSE for the said purpose.



在公共展览中引入互动资产可以显着改善访问者的用户体验。但是,创建交互式应用程序可能是一项艰巨的任务,特别是对于缺乏计算机技能的用户而言。可视化编程语言(VPL)是属于旨在支持最终用户开发(EUD)的广泛方法和工具类别的工具之一,它有望通过提供易于使用和易于使用的方式,提供一种克服这些限制的直观方法。用于编码应用程序逻辑的有效接口。从这些考虑出发,本文首先分析了迄今为止设计用于支持交互式内容生成的工具的优缺点。然后,它介绍了一个名为Visual Scene Editor(VSE)的新工具的设计,这样一来,几乎没有编程技能的用户就可以通过交互式的可视化过程组合可用资产来创建3D交互式应用程序。客观和主观的测量都已与熟练和不熟练的用户一起收集,以评估所提出工具的性能。与现有解决方案的比较表明,减少了完成分配的任务所需的时间,所创建逻辑的复杂性以及所犯错误的数量,从而确认了VSE满足上述目的的适用性。
