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Cybathlon: Moving People and Technology [Regional]
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1109/mra.2020.2968004
Sarah Lina Essrich

Reports on the Cybathlon event. The goal of the Cybathlon is to drive the development of technical assistance systems for everyday use and promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. Looking at the millions of people who use technical assistance systems in their daily lives, Robert Riener, head of the Professorship for Sensory-​Motor Systems, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, initiated the Cybathlon in 2013. What began as an idea to promote, through a competition, the development of assistance systems for everyday use and the inclusion of people with disabilities has grown to be a powerful communication and exchange platform that interactively showcases the interplay between humans and technology and its potential to remove barriers.



有关Cybathlon事件的报道。cybathlon的目标是推动日常使用的技术援助系统的发展,并促进残疾人的融合。苏黎世EidgenössicheTechnische Hochschule(ETH)感官电机系统教授职位负责人Robert Riener看着数百万人在日常生活中使用技术支持系统,于2013年发起了Cybathlon。通过竞争促进日常辅助系统的发展以及残疾人的融合,现已发展成为一个功能强大的交流和交流平台,该平台以交互方式展示了人类与技术之间的相互作用以及消除障碍的潜力。