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Temperature effect on the African pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi: Embryonic and larval developments, fecundity and adult survival
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151380
Marta Perez-Miguel , Pilar Drake , Jose A. Cuesta

Abstract Effects of temperature on the survival of the pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi, and on its realized fecundity (number of eggs) and actual fecundity (number of zoeas) were experimentally estimated on individuals from the Gulf of Cadiz (Huelva and Cadiz) at Southwestern Spain. The adult crabs of different demographic categories (soft females, hard females, and males) were cultured in seawater (salinity of 36) at six different temperatures: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 °C. After 42 days of culture, the three demographic categories survive at a wide range of temperatures (10 to 30 °C), although survival was high (88.5% to 98.8%, on average) for adults cultured at temperatures between 15 and 30 °C and moderate (69.4%, on average) for those cultured at 10 °C. When ovigerous females collected in winter (field temperature: 15 °C) were cultured at the four temperatures at which survival rates were high (15, 20, 25 and 30 °C), the actual fecundity average of the first brood decreased from 95.9% for females maintained at 15 °C to 3.2% for those maintained at 30 °C; whereas when females were collected in summer (field temperature: 23 °C) this actual fecundity average only displayed a moderate decrease from of 98.3% at 30 °C to 88.3% at 15 °C. Irrespective of the temperature, the number of eggs of the second brood of each female was on average smaller than that of the first brood. The duration of embryonic development was temperature dependent, becoming shorter as the temperatures increased between 15 °C and 30 °C. The embryonic plus larval development times in the Bay of Cadiz, estimated with a temperature dependent model, lasts from 105 days in winter to 43 days in summer. Besides, the effect of temperature on fecundity in the natural environment was estimated on ovigerous females seasonally collected from Cadiz and Huelva. The realized fecundity of A. monodi is higher than in most brachyurans and increases potentially with the size of the female; within females of the same size, there were no significant differences between seasons or locations, except in Huelva in autumn, when a decrease in fecundity was observed. Adult survivals and development time, expected for this species at the current seawater temperatures in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, suggest that northward expansion of A. monodi constitutes a potential risk to the mussel cultures and bivalve shellfishery catch in that area.


温度对非洲豌豆蟹 Afropinnotheres monodi 的影响:胚胎和幼虫发育、繁殖力和成虫存活

摘要 在西班牙西南部加的斯湾(韦尔瓦和加的斯)的个体上,通过实验估计温度对豌豆蟹 Afropinnotheres monodi 的存活率及其实现的繁殖力(卵数)和实际繁殖力(产卵数)的影响. 不同人口统计类别(软雌性、硬雌性和雄性)的成年螃蟹在海水(盐度为 36)中在 6 种不同温度下养殖:5、10、15、20、25、30 °C。经过 42 天的培养,这三个人口统计类别在很宽的温度范围内(10 到 30 °C)都能存活,尽管在 15 到 30 °C 之间的温度下培养的成年人的存活率很高(平均为 88.5% 到 98.8%)中度(平均 69.4%)在 10 °C 下培养。冬季采集卵生雌性时(田间温度:15°C) 在成活率高的四个温度 (15、20、25 和 30°C) 下培养,第一窝的实际繁殖力平均值从维持在 15°C 的雌性的 95.9% 下降到 3.2%对于保持在 30°C 的那些;而当在夏季(田间温度:23 °C)收集雌性时,该实际繁殖力平均值仅从 30 °C 时的 98.3% 略微下降到 15 °C 时的 88.3%。不考虑温度,每只雌性第二窝的卵数平均小于第一窝的卵数。胚胎发育的持续时间取决于温度,随着温度在 15 °C 到 30 °C 之间升高而变短。加的斯湾的胚胎加幼虫发育时间,用温度相关模型估计,持续时间从冬季的 105 天到夏季的 43 天。此外,对从加的斯和韦尔瓦季节性收集的产卵雌性动物估计了温度对自然环境中繁殖力的影响。A. monodi 的实际繁殖力高于大多数短尾目,并且可能随着雌性体型的增加而增加;在相同大小的雌性中,季节或地点之间没有显着差异,但秋季的韦尔瓦除外,此时观察到繁殖力下降。在伊比利亚半岛北部目前的海水温度下,预计该物种的成体存活率和发育时间表明,A. monodi 向北扩张对该地区的贻贝养殖和双壳贝类捕捞量构成潜在风险。温度对自然环境中繁殖力的影响是对从加的斯和韦尔瓦季节性收集的产卵雌性进行估计的。A. monodi 的实际繁殖力高于大多数短尾目,并且可能随着雌性体型的增加而增加;在相同大小的雌性中,季节或地点之间没有显着差异,但秋季的韦尔瓦除外,此时观察到繁殖力下降。在伊比利亚半岛北部目前的海水温度下,预计该物种的成体存活率和发育时间表明,A. monodi 向北扩张对该地区的贻贝养殖和双壳贝类捕捞量构成潜在风险。温度对自然环境中繁殖力的影响是对从加的斯和韦尔瓦季节性收集的产卵雌性进行估计的。A. monodi 的实际繁殖力高于大多数短尾目,并且可能随着雌性体型的增加而增加;在相同大小的雌性中,季节或地点之间没有显着差异,但秋季的韦尔瓦除外,此时观察到繁殖力下降。在伊比利亚半岛北部目前的海水温度下,预计该物种的成体存活率和发育时间表明,A. monodi 向北扩张对该地区的贻贝养殖和双壳贝类捕捞量构成潜在风险。monodi 高于大多数短尾龙,并且可能随着雌性的体型而增加;在相同大小的雌性中,季节或地点之间没有显着差异,但秋季的韦尔瓦除外,此时观察到繁殖力下降。在伊比利亚半岛北部目前的海水温度下,预计该物种的成体存活率和发育时间表明,A. monodi 向北扩张对该地区的贻贝养殖和双壳贝类捕捞量构成潜在风险。monodi 高于大多数短尾龙,并且可能随着雌性的体型而增加;在相同大小的雌性中,季节或地点之间没有显着差异,但秋季的韦尔瓦除外,此时观察到繁殖力下降。在伊比利亚半岛北部目前的海水温度下,预计该物种的成体存活率和发育时间表明,A. monodi 向北扩张对该地区的贻贝养殖和双壳贝类捕捞量构成潜在风险。