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The Occasional Perils of Reflection (Across the Midline; in Geometric Morphometrics)
Evolutionary Biology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11692-020-09501-1
David C. Katz

Manual landmark data collection on large samples takes a long time. Several options exist to speed the process, though each introduces problems or raises concerns of its own. For bilaterally symmetric structures (e.g., crania), some recent papers recommend limiting landmark collection to one side and the anatomical midline, then approximating the true bilateral configuration by merging the hemi-form and its reflection at the midline. However, where the midline is narrow relative to the bilateral anatomy, net midline landmark deviations from the mid-sagittal axis or plane will distort this “mirror-reflected” configuration. Here, I use a sample of bilaterally landmarked human mandibles to evaluate whether these distortions are a substantive concern at the scale of real biology. Through simulation, I introduce small mediolateral errors at the midline landmarks of the mean mandible form, then mirror-reflect one side in order to quantify and visualize the effect of midline error on mirror-reflected outcomes. I also test how faithfully mirror reflection and other reduced-landmarking strategies preserve shape and size relationships among observations characterized by the full, bilateral complement of landmarks. In both analyses, mirror reflection is shown to produce striking distortions. Mirror reflection is clearly inappropriate for these data and is likely suspect in all cases of narrow midline morphology. I also demonstrate that bilateral shape and size can be reasonably well recovered with a reflected-relabeling strategy where the landmark data consists of hemi-form landmarks plus a small number of landmarks from the specimen’s opposite side.


