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The Power of Shared Embodiment: Renegotiating Non/belonging and In/exclusion in an Ephemeral Community of Care.
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11013-020-09675-5
Anita von Poser 1, 2 , Edda Willamowski 2

In this article, we explore the power of shared embodiment for the constitution of an affective community. More specifically, we examine how people afflicted by long-term, arduous experiences of war, migration, and discrimination sensually articulate and, at least temporarily, renegotiate feelings of non/belonging, care, and in/exclusion. Methodologically, we draw on emplaced ethnography and systematic phenomenological go-alongs with a group of elderly migrants, born and raised in different parts of Vietnam, who had arrived in Germany within different legal–political frameworks and who, during the time of our psychological–anthropological research, frequented the same psychotherapeutic clinic. We apply the notion of “affective communities” (Zink in Affective Societies: Key Concepts. Routledge, New York, 2019) to grasp how the group experienced a sensual place of mutual belonging outside the clinic when moving through different public spaces in Berlin as part of their therapy. Particular attention is paid to the participants’ embodied and emplaced memories that were reactivated during these excursions. Shared sensations and spatiality, we argue, made them feel they belonged to an ephemeral community of care that was otherwise hardly imaginable due to their distinct individual biographies, contrasting political attitudes, and ties to different social collectives. In analyzing this affective community, we highlight how significant spatio-sensorial modes of temporal solidification can be in eliciting embodied knowledge that positively contributes to therapeutic processes.



在本文中,我们探讨了共享体现对于构建情感社区的力量。更具体地说,我们研究了长期遭受战争、移民和歧视的艰苦经历的人们如何在感官上表达并至少暂时重新协商非/归属感、关心和排斥感。在方法论上,我们利用了安置的民族志和系统的现象学方法,与一群在越南不同地区出生和长大的老年移民进行系统的现象学合作,他们在不同的法律政治框架下抵达德国,并且在我们的心理时期——人类学研究,经常光顾同一家心理治疗诊所。我们应用“情感社区”的概念(情感社会中的 Zink:关键概念。Routledge,纽约,2019 年)来了解该群体在穿过柏林不同公共空间时如何在诊所外体验到相互归属感的感性场所。他们的治疗。我们特别关注参与者在这些旅行中重新激活的具体记忆和植入记忆。我们认为,共享的感觉和空间使他们感觉自己属于一个短暂的护理社区,由于他们独特的个人传记、截然不同的政治态度以及与不同社会集体的联系,这是很难想象的。在分析这个情感社区时,我们强调了时间固化的时空感觉模式在引发对治疗过程做出积极贡献的具体知识方面有多么重要。
