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Mineralized collagen-modified PMMA cement enhances bone integration and reduces fibrous encapsulation in the treatment of lumbar degenerative disc disease.
Regenerative Biomaterials ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1093/rb/rbz044
Long Yang 1 , Jianjun Kong 2, 3 , Zhiye Qiu 4, 5 , Tieliang Shang 1 , Siyu Chen 1 , Rui Zhao 1 , Maria Grazia Raucci 6 , Xiao Yang 1 , Zhanyong Wu 2, 3

As a minimally invasive surgery, percutaneous cement discoplasty (PCD) is now contemplated to treat lumbar disc degeneration disease in elder population. Here, we investigated whether the osteogenic mineralized collagen (MC) modified polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement could be a suitable material in PCD surgery. Injectability, hydrophilicity and mechanical properties of the MC-modified PMMA (PMMA-MC) was characterized. The introduction of MC did not change the application and setting time of PMMA and was easy to be handled in minimally invasive operation. Hydrophilicity of PMMA-MC was greatly improved and its elastic modulus was tailored to complement mechanical performance of bone under dynamic stress. Then, PCD surgery in a goat model with induced disc degeneration was performed with implantation of PMMA-MC or PMMA. Three months after implantation, micro-computed tomography analysis revealed a 36.4% higher circumferential contact index between PMMA-MC and bone, as compared to PMMA alone. Histological staining confirmed that the surface of PMMA-MC was in direct contact with new bone, while the PMMA was covered by fibrous tissue. The observed gathering of macrophages around the implant was suspected to be the cause of fibrous encapsulation. Therefore, the interactions of PMMA and PMMA-MC with macrophages were investigated in vitro. We discovered that the addition of MC could hinder the proliferation and fusion of the macrophages. Moreover, expressions of fibroblast-stimulating growth factors, insulin-like growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor and tumor necrosis factor-β were significantly down-regulated in the macrophages cocultured with PMMA-MC. Together, the promoted osteointegration and reduced fibrous tissue formation observed with PMMA-MC material makes it a promising candidate for PCD surgery.


