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Magnitude estimation of regional earthquakes in India and its adjoining region
Journal of Earth System Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12040-020-1374-4
B Naresh , Prantik Mandal , Solomon Raju , R Vijaya Raghavan , G Suresh , D Srinagesh

To provide reliable and quick estimation of magnitude for moderate to large earthquakes at regional distances, two magnitude relations specific to the peninsular shield have been proposed based on long-period magnitude (MA) and energy magnitude (ME), using broadband velocity data of 23 regional events recorded at 18-station seismic network in the state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, India. MA is estimated using amplitude of filtered (0.03–0.08 Hz) broadband velocity seismograms, while ME is estimated based on radiated energy using broadband velocity spectra. It is observed that MA for larger events with Mw > 7.2 saturates, whilst ME does not suffer from saturation even for larger events. Thus, it is apparent that these two magnitude relations can provide magnitude estimates without saturation for all moderate to large regional earthquakes, which, in turn, can provide a homogeneous catalogue for moderate to large regional Indian earthquakes. The data transmission from remote stations to the central server at CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) is quasi-real-time since it is connected by GPRS and VSAT. Using the proposed region specific magnitude relationships it becomes possible to estimate reliable magnitudes for moderate to large regional Indian earthquakes (Mw ≤ 7.2) within 30 min of the occurrence of an event.



为了提供可靠,快速的区域距离中大地震的震级估计,基于宽带速度数据,基于长期震级(M A)和能量震级(M E),提出了两个针对半岛盾构的震级关系印度特兰甘纳邦和安得拉邦18站地震台网记录的23个区域性事件中的10个。M A是使用滤波后的(0.03-0.08 Hz)宽带速度地震图的振幅来估计的,而M E是根据使用宽带速度谱的辐射能量来估计的。可以观察到,对于M w较大的事件,M A > 7.2饱和,而即使对于较大事件,M E也不遭受饱和。因此,很明显,这两个震级关系可以为所有中到大型的区域地震提供饱和度的震级估计,从而可以为印度中到大型的区域地震提供同质目录。由于它是通过GPRS和VSAT连接的,因此从远程站点到CSIR国家地球物理研究所(NGRI)的中央服务器的数据传输是准实时的。使用它能够可靠估计的幅度对中度到大区域印度地震所提出的区域特定大小关系(中号W¯¯ 事件发生的30分钟内≤7.2)。
