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Vaporization, bioactive formulations and a marine natural product: different perspectives on antivirals.
Drug Discovery Today ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2020.04.010
Thomas J Manning 1 , Jenu Thomas-Richardson 1 , Matthew Cowan 1 , Torien Beard 1

This article examines three aspects of antivirals, such as hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and remdesvir, as they might relate to the treatment of a viral infection such as COVID-19: (i) the use of vaporization for the delivery of antivirals, with the bulk constituents having mild antiviral efficacy; (ii) the application of a marine natural product extract as opposed to a single molecule as an antiviral agent; and (iii) a counter intuitive approach to formulation that is, in part, based on delivering multiple species that fall into three categories: building blocks for the virus to accelerate replication; an energy source for the infected cell to boost its immune response; and the species that antagonize or provide toxicity to the virus.



