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Bridging the Research-Implementation Gap in Weed Management on California Rangelands
Rangeland Ecology & Management ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rama.2020.01.007
Yue M. Li , Leslie M. Roche , Elise S. Gornish

Substantial gaps exist between weed management researchers and practitioners with respect to prompt exchange of knowledge between the two groups, hindering the implementation of effective management to solve weed problems. We conducted a survey between 2016 and 2018 among weed management practitioners (n = 259) across diverse ecoregions on California rangelands and collected essential information from practitioners for bridging the research-implementation gap. The information included management costs, high-priority weeds, and spatial scales and temporal changes in weed management. The management cost had a mean of $5.12 ha−1yr−1 with a large variance implying the uncertainty of this information. The percentage of annual budget dedicated to weed management explained about 30% of the variation in this cost. Moreover, this annual per-unit area cost decreased with increasing management area. The average size of rangeland managed by survey respondents was 1 256 ha. The top three high-priority weeds statewide were yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), and all thistles combined. Medusahead and some thistle species remained on the top list in each ecoregion. Respondents overwhelmingly (80.9%) noted changes in weed problems in the past 5−10 yr, specifically citing greater weed pressure and changes in weed species. A significantly higher proportion of respondents from agencies and private businesses reported changes in weed problems than those from universities and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), further underscoring the gap between practitioners and researchers. A majority of the respondents (75.3%) indicated the record-setting California drought had a negative effect on weed management, reducing treatment efficacy and favoring weeds over desirable species. Overall, our findings illustrate increasing challenges in weed management on California rangeland. These challenges call for adaptive management-research programs to increase cost-effectiveness of weed management and to swiftly and effectively respond to dynamic weed problems on large spatial and long temporal scales.



杂草管理研究人员和从业人员之间存在很大差距,无法在两组之间迅速交换知识,这阻碍了有效管理杂草的实施。我们在2016年至2018年之间 对加利福尼亚牧场不同生态区域的杂草管理从业者(n = 259)进行了一项调查,并从从业者那里收集了必要的信息,以弥合研究与实施之间的差距。这些信息包括管理成本,高优先级杂草,杂草管理的空间规模和时间变化。管理成本平均为$ 5.12公顷- 1-1差异很大,意味着该信息的不确定性。专门用于杂草管理的年度预算所占比例约为该费用变动的30%。此外,随着管理面积的增加,每年的单位面积成本也降低了。被调查者管理的牧场平均面积为1 256公顷。全州排名前三位的高优先杂草是黄色始hist (Centaurea solstitialis),美杜莎黑德(Taeniatherum caput-medusae),和所有的蓟结合。美杜莎黑德和一些蓟种仍然是每个生态区域中的头等大事。绝大多数(80.9%)的受访者指出在过去5-10年中杂草问题发生了变化,特别是由于更大的杂草压力和杂草种类的变化。与大学和非政府组织(NGOs)相比,来自机构和私营企业的受访者报告杂草问题发生变化的比例要高得多,这进一步突出了从业者与研究人员之间的差距。大多数受访者(75.3%)表示,创纪录的加利福尼亚州干旱对杂草治理产生了负面影响,降低了治疗效果,并且使杂草优于所需物种。总体而言,我们的发现表明加利福尼亚牧场的杂草管理面临越来越多的挑战。
