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Adenogasteria leguminivora Davis & Vargas gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): a new seed‐feeding micromoth associated with Fabaceae in Peru and Chile
Austral Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-27 , DOI: 10.1111/aen.12439
Donald R Davis 1 , Jackie Farfán 2, 3 , José Cerdeña 2, 3 , Wilson Huanca‐Mamani 4 , Héctor A Vargas 5 , Marcelo Vargas‐Ortiz 6 , Gislene L Gonçalves 5 , Gilson R P Moreira 7

The adult, pupa, larva and biology of Adenogasteria leguminivora Davis & Vargas gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Ornixolinae) from Peru and Chile are described and illustrated. This micromoth was previously reported in the agronomic literature as a pest of Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) (Fabaceae) in Peru, but its taxonomic status remained unknown until now. Its larvae feed on the seeds of three legume trees: Acacia macracantha, C. spinosa and Inga feuillei. Adenogasteria leguminivora superficially resembles other sympatric gracillariids but can be separated on key morphological features and host plant preferences. Eggs of A. leguminivora are laid on the fruit surface, from where the larva burrows until it reaches the cotyledons, which are mined by the two early (sap‐feeding) instars and almost completely consumed by the last three (tissue‐feeding) instars. Subsequently, the mature larva leaves the fruit and constructs an elongated silk cocoon ornamented with a few silk bubbles before pupation. A maximum likelihood analysis of DNA barcodes clustered the A. leguminivora sequences as a single independent phylogenetic unit within Ornixolinae, sister to the Chileoptilia + Philodoria clade, regardless of the host plant and geographic origin of the samples. The genetic divergence of A. leguminivora to the nearest neighbour in COI barcodes was >10%.


豆科植物拟南芥Davis&Vargas gen。等。十一月 (鳞翅目:Gra科):一种在秘鲁和智利与豆科相关的新的食草小蛾

拟南芥Davis&Vargas gen的成虫,,幼虫和生物学。等。十一月 描述和说明了来自秘鲁和智利的鳞翅目(鳞翅目::科::科)。以前在农艺学文献中曾报道过这种小蛾是秘鲁的Caesalpinia spinosa(Molina)(Fabaceae)的害虫,但迄今为止其分类学地位仍然未知。:其对三种豆科树木的种子幼虫吃相思macracantha下刺英戈feuillei豆科植物腺胃在表面上类似于其他同伴的草菇,但可以根据关键的形态特征和寄主植物的喜好进行分离。卵A.食心虫放在幼果上,直到幼虫钻到子叶为止,幼虫从两个幼龄期开始采食(幼树取食),最后三个幼龄期被完全采食(组织取食)。随后,成熟的幼虫离开果实,并在化ation前构建了一个细长的蚕茧,并装饰有一些丝绸气泡。DNA条形码的最大似然分析聚集的A.食心虫序列内Ornixolinae,姐姐到单个独立系统发生单元Chileoptilia  +  Philodoria进化枝,而不管样品的宿主植物和地理来源的。的遗传差异A.食心虫在COI条形码最近邻为> 10%。