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Patterns of Student Treatment Attendance and Dropout in an Urban School-Based Mental Health Program
School Mental Health ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12310-020-09370-1
Hal Kronsberg , Amie Bettencourt

Baltimore City Public Schools’ school-based mental health program sought to reduce barriers to treatment for students by providing on-site mental health care. This study examines differences in treatment attendance, dropout, and pharmacologic referral among students enrolled in the Johns Hopkins affiliated program. Enrolled student records for SY2015–2016 and SY2016–2017 (N = 655) were analyzed. Latent class analyses (LCAs) identified classes of youth who varied in demographic and clinical characteristics, and differences in treatment outcomes by class were examined. LCAs identified three classes: one with higher probability of being male, Black, in elementary/middle school, and with externalizing symptoms (33%), one with higher probability of being female, Black, in high school, and with internalizing symptoms or adjustment problems (34%), and one with higher probability of being male, ethnically diverse, in elementary/middle school, and with equal probability of having or not having externalizing symptoms (33%). Classes differed significantly in their likelihood of receiving a psychiatrist visit during treatment (χ2 = 10.7, p = .01), with younger classes more likely to receive psychiatric visits than the older class. No class had fewer than 50% of students attending more than 20 sessions. However, classes differed in achieving high treatment attendance (χ2 = 9.6, p = .01), with both younger classes more likely to exceed 20 visits than the older class of students. The older class of students was more likely to refuse treatment once it was initiated (χ2 = 7.1, p = .03). Overall, the ESMH delivery-of-care model studied showed great promise in retaining vulnerable students in treatment, though older students are more likely to stop treatment and questions remain about the clinical benefit of so many students remaining in treatment for such a prolonged period of time.



巴尔的摩市公立学校的学校心理健康计划旨在通过提供现场心理健康护理来减少对学生的治疗障碍。这项研究调查了参加约翰霍普金斯大学附属计划的学生在治疗出勤,辍学和药理推荐方面的差异。SY2015–2016和SY2016–2017的在校学生记录(N = 655)进行了分析。潜在类别分析(LCA)确定了人口统计学和临床​​特征各异的青年类别,并检查了各类别治疗结果的差异。LCA确定了三类:一类在小学/初中是男性,黑人的可能性较高,并且具有内在症状(33%),一类是女性,高中黑人的可能性较高,并且具有内在的症状或适应能力问题(占34%),并且在小学/初中有较高的男性,种族差异的可能性,并且具有或没有外在症状的可能性相同(33%)。类在它们的处理(期间接收精神科医生访问的可能性显著不同χ 2  = 10.7,p = .01),与较年长的班级相比,较年轻的班级更有可能接受精神病就诊。没有一个班级有少于50%的学生参加20场以上的课程。然而,类在实现高处理考勤差异(χ 2  = 9.6,p  = 0.01),与两个年轻类的更多可能超过比老班的学生20次。年长班的学生更有可能垃圾处理一旦有人开始(χ 2  = 7.1,p = .03)。总体而言,研究的ESMH护理模式显示出将弱势学生留在治疗中的巨大希望,尽管年龄较大的学生更有可能停止治疗,并且对于如此多的学生在如此长的治疗期内仍保留治疗的临床益处仍存在疑问时间。