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Considering Gender-Biased Assumptions in Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Biology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11692-020-09492-z
Ingrid Ahnesjö , Jaelle C. Brealey , Katerina P. Günter , Ivain Martinossi-Allibert , Jennifer Morinay , Mattias Siljestam , Josefine Stångberg , Paula Vasconcelos

Many organisms studied by evolutionary biologists have different sexes, and the evolution of separate sexes and sexual dimorphisms in morphology and behaviour are central questions in evolutionary biology. Considering scientists to be embedded in a social and cultural context, we are also subjected to the risk of gender-biased assumptions and stereotypical thinking to appear when working on topics related to sexual reproduction and sexual dimorphism. Here we present, for continued discussion, a set of good-practice guidelines aimed at (1) helping to improve researchers’ awareness of gender-biased assumptions underlying language use, generalizations, and interpretation of observations; and (2) providing recommendations to increase transparency, avoid problematic terminology, and improve study designs.


