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The step-by-step restriction of the Mediterranean (start, amplification, and consolidation phases) preceding the Messinian Salinity Crisis (climax phase) in the Bajo Segura basin
Geo-Marine Letters ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s00367-020-00647-7
Hugo Corbí , Jesús M. Soria , Alice Giannetti , Alfonso Yébenes

This research explores the Messinian record in a western Mediterranean basin at the eastern end of the Betic Cordillera (the Garruchal section, southern sector of the Bajo Segura basin). Sedimentary facies development and foraminiferal assemblages were used as palaeoenvironmental proxies to characterize the palaeoceanographic evolution of the basin’s progressive restriction. Therefore, a succession of palaeoenvironmental phases can be established as follows. The “start phase” (until ~ 6.72 Ma) records the first ecological evidence of the restriction, evidenced by the sudden appearance of common benthic stress markers. The “amplification phase” of the restriction (up to ~ 6.35 Ma) marks a progressive increase in low bottom oxygen levels related to water-mass stratification in the evolution from upper epibathyal to outer shelf environments. The “consolidation phase” (until the intra-Messinian discontinuity ~ shortly after 6.03 Ma) records basin shallowing (from outer to inner shelf environments) in a context of a restricted basin. And lastly, the “climax phase” (until the end-Messinian discontinuity) records coastal sedimentation (marine coastal lagoon and sandy beaches). The findings of this research reveal that the Garruchal section is a good illustration of the sedimentary and palaeoenvironmental response of the peripheral basins to the progressive restriction of the Mediterranean before the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Finally, since it is widely accepted that the Mediterranean marine restriction has been developed in a stepwise mode, we here propose to establish the following terms for implementation at Mediterranean regional level: “start,” “amplification,” and “consolidation” phases, which finally led to the “climax” phase, that is, the Messinian Salinity Crisis stricto sensu .


在 Bajo Segura 盆地的墨西拿盐度危机(高潮阶段)之前逐步限制地中海(开始、扩大和巩固阶段)

这项研究探索了位于贝蒂科迪勒拉山脉东端(巴霍塞古拉盆地南部的加鲁恰尔部分)的地中海西部盆地的墨西拿记录。沉积相发育和有孔虫组合被用作古环境代理来表征盆地渐进限制的古海洋演化。因此,可以如下建立一系列古环境阶段。“开始阶段”(直到 ~ 6.72 Ma)记录了限制的第一个生态证据,由常见底栖压力标记的突然出现证明。限制的“放大阶段”(高达 ~ 6.35 Ma)标志着从上层海底到外陆架环境演化过程中与水团分层相关的低底部氧水平逐渐增加。“固结阶段”(直到 Messinian 内部不连续性 ~ 6.03 Ma 之后不久)记录了在受限盆地背景下盆地变浅(从外陆架环境到内陆架环境)。最后,“高潮阶段”(直到麦西尼阶末期)记录了沿海沉积(海洋沿海泻湖和沙滩)。这项研究的结果表明,Garruchal 剖面很好地说明了在墨西拿盐度危机之前外围盆地对地中海逐渐限制的沉积和古环境响应。最后,由于人们普遍认为地中海海洋限制是逐步发展的,我们在此建议制定以下条款以在地中海区域层面实施:“开始”、“放大”、