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Stair-ascent strategies and performance evaluation for a lower limb exoskeleton
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s41315-020-00123-6
Fashu Xu , Rui Huang , Hong Cheng , Jing Qiu , Shiqiang Xiang , Congbin Shi , Wenhao Ma

Power lower limb exoskeleton has gained considerable interests since it is widely applied in both walking assistance and rehabilitation related applications. The most challenge problem of these kinds lower exoskeletons is how to deal with the complex environment, such as stairs in daily life. Based on a developed lower limb exoskeleton named AssItive DEvice for paRalyzed patients (AIDER), this paper proposed a novel stair parameters perception approach named Stick From the Origin (SFO) and a bio-spired stair gait trajectory generator based on Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs) and summarized the joint torque and power requirements. With two distance sensors, the low-cost and real-time stair parameters perception approach could be tested and verified in practice with acceptable accuracy. During the process, the Center of Pressure (CoP) of the whole system would be concerned to keep the pilot’s safety. With the reference stair gait and stair parameters brought in, a natural and flexible stair-ascent gait can be generated by the bio-spired stair gait trajectory generator based on DMPs, which was validated in practical application on the AIDER system with and without pilot. Based on the averaged torques and power across these trials, the peak body-mass-normalized knee and hip joint power, knee and hip torque during the stair-ascent movement are 1.82 W/kg and 1.52 W/kg, 1.36 Nm/kg and 1.22 Nm/kg, which are required during the process of lifting the leg onto the stair tread.



功率下肢外骨骼由于在步行辅助和康复相关应用中得到了广泛应用,因此引起了广泛的关注。这些下骨骼的最大挑战是如何应对复杂的环境,例如日常生活中的楼梯。基于名为AssItive设备发达的下肢外骨骼的瘫痪患者(急救人员),本文提出了一种新颖的楼梯参数感知方法,称为“从起源出发”(SFO),以及一种基于动态运动基元(DMP)的生物步态步态轨迹生成器,并总结了联合扭矩和功率需求。使用两个距离传感器,可以在实践中以可接受的精度测试和验证低成本且实时的楼梯参数感知方法。在此过程中,将考虑整个系统的压力中心(CoP),以保持飞行员的安全。与参考楼梯步态和楼梯参数带来的,可以通过生成一个自然,灵活的阶梯上升步态生物尖塔楼梯步态根据疾病管理计划,这是在实际应用上验证轨迹生成急救人员系统有无飞行员。根据这些试验的平均扭矩和功率,在楼梯上升运动过程中,身体质量标准化的峰值膝盖和髋关节功率,膝盖和髋关节扭矩分别为1.82 W / kg和1.52 W / kg,1.36 Nm / kg和在将腿抬到楼梯踏板上的过程中需要1.22 Nm / kg。