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Sixth-century AD glassware from Jelica, Serbia—an increasingly complex picture of late antiquity glass composition
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01031-3
R. Balvanović , Ž. Šmit

In this paper, the chemical analyses of forty-two samples of glassware from the sixth to early seventh century AD Byzantine settlement of Gradina on Jelica, Serbia are reported, completing the previous study of forty windowpane samples from the same site. Apart from a single plant ash glass, all other glasses are natron-based, classified as Foy 2.1 (thirty-four), Foy 3.2 (six), and Roman (two). The ten colourless glasses from the assemblage are decolourised with manganese. Five glasses are intentionally coloured blue with cobalt and copper, one black with iron. Four blue glasses are opacified, one with antimony, one perhaps with tin. Some Jelica glass finds classified as Foy 3.2 are specific for having magnesium levels above those characteristic for série 3.2. Jelica glasses assigned to Foy 2.1 group were further divided into low iron (twenty), high iron (four), and very high iron (six) subgroups. The overall compositional pattern of Jelica samples identified as Foy 2.1 suggest that different sands with different heavy mineral suites and sources of lime were used in their making, as well as different levels of recycling. Our findings indicate that the reasons for the compositional blurring of Foy 3.2 and Foy 2.1 are not limited to technological reasons such as recycling, but also include variations in the sand minerals. The results support the picture of the dominance of Foy 2.1 and Foy 3.2 types of glass in central and eastern Balkans and on the Macedonian-Thracian coast during the sixth century AD. Our findings, together with the apparent absence of Levantine glass from this region reported until now, suggest that different trade routes were supplying these regions with Eastern Mediterranean raw glass from those supplying Adriatic Sea coasts.



本文报道了对公元6世纪至公元7世纪初塞尔维亚耶利卡的Gradina拜占庭人定居的42件玻璃器皿样品的化学分析,从而完成了先前对同一地点的40块窗玻璃样品的研究。除了单一的植物灰玻璃以外,所有其他玻璃都是基于钠的,分为Foy 2.1(三十四),Foy 3.2(六)和罗马(两)。组件中的十个无色玻璃用锰脱色。五杯玻璃被故意地涂成蓝色,并带有钴和铜,另一黑杯则涂上了铁。四个蓝色的玻璃不透明,一个含锑,一个可能含锡。一些被归类为Foy 3.2的Jelica玻璃发现物的特定镁含量高于série3.2的特征。分配给Foy 2.1组的Jelica眼镜进一步分为低铁(二十个),高铁(四个)和非常高的铁(六个)子组。耶利卡样品的总体组成模式为Foy 2.1,表明在制造过程中使用了具有不同重矿物质和石灰来源的不同沙子,并采用了不同的回收水平。我们的发现表明,Foy 3.2和Foy 2.1成分模糊的原因不仅限于回收等技术原因,还包括砂矿物的变化。结果支持了公元六世纪在巴尔干中部和东部以及马其顿-色拉克海岸的Foy 2.1和Foy 3.2类型玻璃的统治地位。我们的发现以及迄今为止该地区仍未发现黎凡特玻璃的报道,