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Geoarchaeological evidence of Ostia’s river harbour operating until the fourth century AD
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01035-z
A. Vött , T. Willershäuser , H. Hadler , L. Obrocki , P. Fischer , M. Heinzelmann

Ancient Ostia at the mouth of the River Tiber into the Tyrrhenian Sea was largely significant for the economic supply of Rome. Ostia itself experienced an extraordinary period of prosperity in the second century AD. Starting in AD 42, a first new harbour at Portus was built by Emperor Claudius close to Ostia. It reached its full functionality under Emperor Trajan in the early second century AD, only. At Ostia itself, previous archaeological and geoarchaeological studies have brought to light a lagoon-type harbour at the western fringe of the city operating between the fourth and the second century BC in an artificially excavated harbour basin. From the second century BC onwards, a considerably smaller and shallower part of this western harbour basin was still in function as a fluvial harbour. So far, it was unclear whether Ostia’s western harbour was still in use when the harbour at Portus was set into function in the first to second century AD, or if the latter partially replaced Ostia’s harbour infrastructure. According to archaeological evidence, Ostia’s navalia-temple-complex, the main building at the eastern fringe of the western river harbour basin, was built in the second quarter of the first century AD. Was this prestigious harbour building erected although the associated harbour seemed to have been already given up before? We conducted detailed geoarchaeological investigations at the immediate western front of the navalia-temple complex. Results were compared with archaeological data obtained from excavations carried out in 2000/2001. A multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the history and evolution of the harbour. It was possible to identify subsurface structures and evaluate the local stratigraphy. Vibracoring brought to light a more than 1 m thick section of an opus reticulatum wall with parts of the original opus latericium on top. Such walls originally separated vaulted shipshed chambers of the navalia-temple complex at Ostia, which in turn formed the substructure of a temple complex located above it. Another core revealed the sedimentary infill of a former chamber of the building. Based on radiocarbon dating, the navalia was in use between the first and the fourth centuries AD with a water depth of maximum ca. 1.2 m at the immediate western front. This is in agreement with the date of construction of the navalia-temple complex in the second quarter of the first century AD. The relative sea level at that time was around 0.64 m below the present sea level. The harbour and the navalia were obviously accessible only for flat-keeled lighters and cargo boats. Larger cargo ships were either unloaded along the riverbank to the north of ancient Ostia (Hadler et al. 2019) or moored offshore, their freight being reloaded to smaller lighters. Chronostratigraphic data further show that the navalia-temple complex was in use until the second half of the fourth century AD. It was not before AD 355–363 or shortly afterwards, that the harbour site was abandoned. Ostia’s western river harbour was neither abandoned nor completely silted up before the harbour at Portus was established as previously assumed by other authors. Actually, the western front of the navalia-temple complex was hit by an extreme wave event, leaving a sand layer approx. 0.5 m thick, at or shortly after AD 355–363 which led to the final abandonment of Ostia’s western river harbour. This event is interpreted as a tsunami that may have hit the wider coastal region.



台伯河入第勒尼安海河口的古代奥斯蒂亚对罗马的经济供应具有重要意义。Ostia本身在公元二世纪经历了一段非同寻常的繁荣时期。从公元42年开始,克劳迪乌斯皇帝在Ostia附近建造了Portus的第一个新港口。仅在公元二世纪初期,它就在图拉真皇帝的统治下发挥了全部功能。在奥斯蒂亚(Ostia)本身,先前的考古学和地球考古学研究使该市西部边缘的泻湖型港口暴露出来,该港口在公元前四世纪至第二世纪之间在人工开挖的海港盆地中运作。从公元前二世纪开始,这个西部港口盆地的相当小和较浅的部分仍然起着河流港的作用。至今,目前尚不清楚,公元一世纪至二世纪Portus的港口启用后,Ostia的西部港口是否仍在使用中,还是后者部分取代了Ostia的港口基础设施。根据考古证据,奥斯蒂亚的海军-庙宇建筑群是西部河港盆地东部边缘的主要建筑,建于公元一世纪第二季度。尽管相关的港口以前似乎已经被放弃了,但这座声望很高的港口建筑是否被竖立了?我们在海军-庙宇综合体的西侧进行了详细的地质考古调查。将结果与2000/2001年发掘的考古数据进行了比较。多代理方法用于重建港口的历史和演变。可以识别地下结构并评估局部地层。振动打磨暴露了一块厚超过1 m的网眼壁与部分原始的红景天在上面。这些墙最初是在奥斯蒂亚(Ostia)的海军-圣殿建筑群的拱形拱起的隔室之间隔开的,反过来又形成了位于其上方的圣殿建筑群的下部结构。另一个核心显示了建筑物前一个房间的沉积物填充物。根据放射性碳测年法,海军在公元一世纪和公元四世纪之间被使用,水深最大为。在紧邻西线的前方1.2 m。这与公元一世纪第二季度建造海军-寺庙综合体的日期一致。当时的相对海平面比当前海平面低约0.64 m。显然只有扁龙打火机和货船才能进入港口和海军。较大的货船要么沿古奥斯蒂亚北部的河岸卸货(Hadler等 2019年)或停泊在海上,他们的货物被重新装到较小的打火机上。年代地层数据进一步表明,直到公元四世纪下半叶,海军-庙宇建筑群才被使用。直到公元355-363年之前或之后不久,港口遗址才被废弃。如其他作者先前所言,在Portus港口建立之前,Ostia的西部河港既没有被废弃也没有被完全淤塞。实际上,海军-圣殿建筑群的西面受到了极端波浪事件的袭击,大约留下了一个沙层。在公元355–363年或之后不久,它的厚度为0.5 m,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。年代地层数据进一步表明,直到公元四世纪下半叶,一直使用海军-庙宇建筑群。直到公元355-363年之前或之后不久,港口遗址才被废弃。如其他作者先前所言,在Portus港口建立之前,Ostia的西部河港既没有被废弃也没有被完全淤塞。实际上,海军-圣殿建筑群的西面受到了一次极端波浪事件的袭击,大约留下了一个沙层。在公元355–363年或之后不久,它的厚度为0.5 m,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。年代地层数据进一步表明,直到公元四世纪下半叶,一直使用海军-庙宇建筑群。直到公元355-363年之前或之后不久,港口遗址才被废弃。如其他作者先前所言,在Portus港口建立之前,Ostia的西部河港既没有被废弃也没有被完全淤塞。实际上,海军-圣殿建筑群的西面受到了一次极端波浪事件的袭击,大约留下了一个沙层。在公元355–363年或之后不久,它的厚度为0.5 m,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。港口被遗弃了。如其他作者先前所言,在Portus港口建立之前,Ostia的西部河港既没有被废弃也没有被完全淤塞。实际上,海军-圣殿建筑群的西面受到了一次极端波浪事件的袭击,大约留下了一个沙层。在公元355–363年或之后不久,它的厚度为0.5 m,最终放弃了Ostia的西部河港。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。港口被遗弃了。如其他作者先前所言,在Portus港口建立之前,Ostia的西部河港既没有被废弃也没有被完全淤塞。实际上,海军-圣殿建筑群的西面受到了一次极端波浪事件的袭击,大约留下了一个沙层。在公元355–363年或之后不久,它的厚度为0.5 m,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。在公元355–363年或之后不久,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。在公元355–363年或之后不久,这最终导致了Ostia西部河港的最终废弃。该事件被解释为可能袭击了更广泛的沿海地区的海啸。