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Forage availability and maternal characteristics affect costs of reproduction in a large marsupial.
Oecologia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04653-5
Pauline Toni 1 , David M Forsyth 2 , Marco Festa-Bianchet 1

Life history theory predicts trade-offs in allocation between survival, maintenance, growth, and reproduction, especially when resources are scarce. Individual variation in resource acquisition can affect trade-offs, but is often unaccounted for. We quantified the fitness costs of reproduction, accounting for environmental conditions, maternal characteristics and individual variation. We analyzed 10 years of data from marked kangaroos to evaluate how reproductive allocation affected annual mass change and skeletal growth, subsequent fecundity and weaning success, and survival, accounting for maternal mass or size and forage availability. Through repeated measurements of 76-91 females, we investigated how trade-offs varied within and between individuals, assessing whether individual variation could mask population-level trade-offs. In poor environments, females that weaned an offspring lost mass. Females that nursed an offspring for > 7 months had reduced skeletal growth. Females that did not gain mass over the previous 12 months rarely reproduced, especially if they had nursed an offspring for > 7 months the previous year. Reproductive allocation had no effect on weaning success, which was very low, and did not affect maternal survival, suggesting a conservative strategy. Disentangling within- and between-individual responses revealed trade-offs within individuals, but because individuals did not vary in their responses to earlier effort, these trade-offs did not drive population trends. The interacting effects of environmental conditions, maternal characteristics and individual variation on allocation trade-offs demonstrate the importance of long-term monitoring for understanding life history variations in changing environments.


