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In vitro elucidation of suppression effects of composts to soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae on pepper plants using 16S amplicon sequencing and metaproteomics
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s1742170518000467
Margarita Ros , Josefa Blaya , Petr Baldrian , Felipe Bastida , Hans H Richnow , Nico Jehmlich , Jose Antonio Pascual

Compost production is a critical component of organic waste management. One of the most important properties of compost is its ability to suppress soil-borne pathogens such as Phytophthora nicotianae in pepper plants. Both the physico-chemical and biological properties of composts can be responsible for the suppression of pathogens, although biological properties are the main driver. In this study, we analyzed composts with various levels of suppressiveness against P. nicotianae. We analyzed both physico-chemical properties like pH and electrical conductivity and biological properties like microbial activity, amplicon sequencing and metaproteomics. We believed that the link between community structures and proteins could provide deep insights into the mechanism of compost suppressiveness. Our results indicate that there are differences between suppressive and non-suppressive composts at the phylogenetic level (sequencing) and at the functional level (based on analysis of the cluster of orthologous groups, COGs). The proteins identified were assigned to the carbohydrate process, cell wall structure and inorganic ion transport and metabolism. Proteobacteria could also be new indicators of P. nicotianae suppression.


使用 16S 扩增子测序和宏蛋白质组学在体外阐明堆肥对土壤传播的烟草疫霉对辣椒植物的抑制作用

堆肥生产是有机废物管理的重要组成部分。堆肥最重要的特性之一是它能够抑制土壤传播的病原体,例如烟草疫霉在辣椒植物中。堆肥的物理化学和生物学特性都可以抑制病原体,尽管生物学特性是主要驱动力。在这项研究中,我们分析了具有不同抑制水平的堆肥烟草假单胞菌. 我们分析了 pH 值和电导率等物理化学特性以及微生物活性、扩增子测序和元蛋白质组学等生物学特性。我们相信群落结构和蛋白质之间的联系可以为堆肥抑制机制提供深入的见解。我们的研究结果表明,抑制性堆肥和非抑制性堆肥在系统发育水平(测序)和功能水平(基于对直系同源群簇的分析,COGs)存在差异。鉴定的蛋白质被分配到碳水化合物过程、细胞壁结构和无机离子转运和代谢。变形菌门也可能是新的指标烟草假单胞菌抑制。