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Vulture declines, threats and conservation: the attitude of the indigenous Ghanaian
Bird Conservation International ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959270919000261

SummaryUnderstanding the attitude of people towards vultures, especially factors that influence behaviours that support their conservation, is crucial if the decline in vultures is to be slowed and reversed. Their vital ecosystem function in keeping the environment free of carcasses and reducing the spread of disease is not yet appreciated in Ghana. Little is known about the attitude of Ghanaians’ about vultures. Structured questionnaires and key informant surveys were employed with a sample size of 460 respondents randomly selected across Ghana. Over 85% of respondents were familiar with the Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus and vultures were culturally important to 56% of respondents. Diseases that affect livestock are claimed to be treated with chemicals such as diclofenac sodium to which vultures are highly susceptible globally and livestock carcasses were not available to vultures as 53% of respondents bury carcasses. A new poisoning pathway has emerged in which furadan is used to poison wildlife for bushmeat and the offal removed which is then consumed by vultures, as indicated by 78% of respondents. The majority of respondents positively thought vultures were important and must be protected. Poisoning, habitat loss particularly the loss of silk cotton tree Ceiba pentandra and trade in vulture parts for traditional medicine are major threats to vultures in Ghana. Continuous awareness creation, positive attitude towards the environment, vulture conservation programmes and protection of breeding sites were some urgent conservation actions recommended to ensure the survival of vultures.



摘要了解人们对秃鹰的态度,尤其是影响支持秃鹰保护行为的因素,如果要减缓和扭转秃鹰的衰退,至关重要。它们在保持环境中没有尸体和减少疾病传播方面的重要生态系统功能在加纳尚未得到重视。人们对加纳人对秃鹰的态度知之甚少。采用结构化问卷和关键知情人调查,样本量为在加纳随机选择的 460 名受访者。超过 85% 的受访者熟悉秃鹫独角兽56% 的受访者认为秃鹰在文化上很重要。据称,影响牲畜的疾病是用双氯芬酸钠等化学物质治疗的,秃鹰在全球范围内对这种化学物质高度敏感,而且由于 53% 的受访者埋葬了尸体,秃鹰无法获得牲畜尸体。78% 的受访者表示,一种新的中毒途径已经出现,其中呋喃丹用于毒杀野生动物以获得野味,然后将内脏取出,然后被秃鹰食用。大多数受访者积极认为秃鹫很重要,必须受到保护。中毒,栖息地丧失,特别是丝棉树的丧失木棉秃鹰器官的传统医药贸易是对加纳秃鹰的主要威胁。不断提高意识、对环境采取积极态度、秃鹰保护计划和繁殖地保护是建议采取的一些紧急保护行动,以确保秃鹰的生存。