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Improved and extended tide gauge records for the British Isles leading to more consistent estimates of sea level rise and acceleration since 1958
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102333
P. Hogarth , C.W. Hughes , S.D.P. Williams , C. Wilson

Abstract This paper describes methods of obtaining improved estimates of long-term sea level trends for the British Isles. This is achieved by lengthening the sea level records where possible, then removing known sources of variability, and then further adjusting for datum errors that are revealed by the previous processes after verification using metadata from archived sources. Local sea level variability is accounted for using a tide and surge model. Far field variability is accounted for using a “common mode”. This combination reduces the residual variability seen at tide gauges around the coast of the British Isles to the point that a number of previously unrecognised steps in individual records become apparent, permitting a higher level of quality control to be applied. A comprehensive data archaeology exercise was carried out which showed that these step-like errors are mostly coincident with recorded site-specific changes in instrumentation, and that in many cases the periodic tide gauge calibration records can be used to quantify these steps. A smaller number of steps are confirmed by “buddy-checking” against neighbouring tide gauges. After accounting for the observed steps, using levelling information where possible and an empirical fit otherwise, the records become significantly more consistent. The steps are not found to make a large difference to the trend and acceleration observed in UK sea level overall, but their correction results in much more consistent estimates of first order (Sea Level Rise) and second order (Sea Level Acceleration) trends over this 60-year period. We find a mean rate of sea level rise of 2.39 ± 0.27 mm yr−1, and an acceleration of 0.058 ± 0.030 mm yr−2 between Jan. 1958 and Dec. 2018. The cleaner dataset also permits us to show more clearly that the variability other than that derived from local meteorology is indeed consistent around the UK, and relates to sea level changes along the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic.


改进和扩展了不列颠群岛的潮汐测量记录,从而对自 1958 年以来海平面上升和加速度的估计更加一致

摘要 本文描述了获得对不列颠群岛长期海平面趋势的改进估计的方法。这是通过在可能的情况下延长海平面记录来实现的,然后删除已知的变异来源,然后在使用来自存档来源的元数据进行验证后进一步调整先前过程揭示的基准错误。使用潮汐和浪涌模型来解释当地海平面变化。使用“共模”来解释远场可变性。这种组合减少了在不列颠群岛海岸附近的潮汐测量仪上看到的残余可变性,以至于单个记录中许多以前无法识别的步骤变得明显,从而允许应用更高水平的质量控制。进行了全面的数据考古练习,结果表明这些阶梯状误差大多与记录的特定地点的仪器变化一致,并且在许多情况下,周期性潮汐计校准记录可用于量化这些步骤。通过对相邻潮汐计的“伙伴检查”确认了较少的步骤。在考虑到观察到的步骤后,在可能的情况下使用调平信息,否则使用经验拟合,记录变得更加一致。发现这些步骤对英国海平面整体观察到的趋势和加速度没有太大影响,但它们的校正导致对一阶(海平面上升)和二阶(海平面加速度)趋势的更一致的估计。 60 年期间。