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Using bird-flower interactions to select native tree resources for urban afforestation: the case of Erythrina velutina
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126677
Paulo Antonio Silva , Larissa Lais Silva , Lucilene Brito

ABSTRACT The negative impacts of urbanization on biodiversity can be mitigated via afforestation, particularly if the trees provide food, e.g., flowers and fruits. However, it is necessary to highlight the effectiveness of the tree species in attracting and supporting primary consumers in cities. Addressing animal-tree interactions in urban areas is useful for identifying such efficacy and consistently selecting native tree resources. Here, we investigate the role of the native tree species Erythrina velutina Willd (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) as an effective additional food source for birds in an urbanized area of Ilha Solteira, a city in northwest Sao Paulo state, SE Brazil. This is done based on the frequent interactions of the birds with the E. velutina flowers due to their constant search for the diluted but copious nectar at the driest time of the year. Erythrina velutina attracted 17 species of nectivorous and non-nectivorous birds (11.37 visits during each 30-min session, n = 24), some of which were potential pollinators, such as oropendolas and parakeets. Nonparametric estimations indicated that at least five additional bird species might be attracted to the E. velutina flowers. The bird-flower interaction approach conducted here provides a background for selecting E. velutina for urban afforestation. As shown, this species is a native tree resource capable of promoting biodiversity in cities.



摘要 城市化对生物多样性的负面影响可以通过植树造林来减轻,特别是如果树木提供食物,例如鲜花和水果。然而,有必要强调树种在吸引和支持城市初级消费者方面的有效性。解决城市地区的动物-树木相互作用对于确定这种功效和持续选择本地树木资源很有用。在这里,我们调查了本地树种 Erythrina velutina Willd(豆科:凤蝶科)作为巴西东南部圣保罗州西北部城市 Ilha Solteira 城市化地区鸟类的有效额外食物来源的作用。这是基于鸟类与大肠杆菌的频繁互动而完成的。velutina 开花,因为它们在一年中最干燥的时候不断寻找稀释但丰富的花蜜。Erythrina velutina 吸引了 17 种食虫和非食虫鸟类(在每 30 分钟的会议期间有 11.37 次访问,n = 24),其中一些是潜在的传粉者,例如 oropendolas 和长尾小鹦鹉。非参数估计表明,E. velutina 花可能会吸引至少五种额外的鸟类。这里进行的鸟花互动方法为选择 E. velutina 进行城市造林提供了背景。如图所示,该物种是能够促进城市生物多样性的本地树木资源。例如 oropendolas 和长尾小鹦鹉。非参数估计表明,E. velutina 花可能会吸引至少五种额外的鸟类。这里进行的鸟花互动方法为选择 E. velutina 进行城市造林提供了背景。如图所示,该物种是能够促进城市生物多样性的本地树木资源。例如 oropendolas 和长尾小鹦鹉。非参数估计表明,E. velutina 花可能会吸引至少五种额外的鸟类。这里进行的鸟花互动方法为选择 E. velutina 进行城市造林提供了背景。如图所示,该物种是能够促进城市生物多样性的本地树木资源。