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Dung mimicry in Typhonium (Araceae): explaining floral trait and pollinator divergence in a widespread species complex and a rare sister species
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa021
Thomas D J Sayers 1 , Martin J Steinbauer 2 , Kevin Farnier 2, 3 , Rebecca E Miller 1

The process of pollinator-driven evolution is best studied at the level of populations and among closely related plant species. Araceae provide a plant model for investigating plant–pollinator interactions, but few studies have investigated intraspecific variation in their pollination systems. Typhonium brownii (Araceae) is distributed widely across 2000 km from tropical to temperate latitudes in Australia, yet the existence of intraspecific variation and ecotypes has not been investigated. Typhonium brownii from five regions, potentially representing distinct taxa, and populations of the sister species, T. eliosurum, were studied to explore pollinator and floral trait divergence. We characterize significant intraspecific floral trait variation in T. brownii, indicating the existence of a species complex, despite the taxa trapping similar Coleoptera (Staphylinidae, Scarabaeidae). Although all T. brownii showed similar temperature increases in the appendix, there were significant shifts in the timing and pattern of thermogenic and anthesis rhythms between regions (taxa), and all T. brownii taxa had distinct scent compositions, with T. sp. aff. brownii being the most dissimilar to other taxa. In contrast, T. eliosurum inflorescences almost exclusively trapped Diptera (Sphaeroceridae, Psychodidae), had modest temperature increases confined to the staminate zone and had a distinct scent profile which differed from all T. brownii taxa; this scent was confirmed in field bioassays to be important for pollinator attraction. Prevalent volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by T. eliosurum and T. brownii taxa included the common dung constituents skatole, indole and p-cresol. Typhonium eliosurum and T. brownii taxa further differed significantly in morphology and trapping mechanisms, particularly the fly-pollinated T. eliosurum. It is possible that a subset of ubiquitous VOCs identified in T. eliosurum and T. brownii taxa attract local communities of dung-seeking flies and beetles, and that floral morphological features are more important for trapping different insect orders in these dung mimics.



传粉媒介驱动的进化过程最好在种群水平以及密切相关的植物物种中进行研究。天南星科提供了一种植物模型,用于研究植物与传粉媒介的相互作用,但很少有研究调查其授粉系统的种内变异。在澳大利亚,从热带到温带纬度,棕phon(Araceae)广泛分布在2000公里范围内,但尚未研究种内变异和生态型的存在。研究了来自五个地区的可能代表不同分类单元的,并研究了其姊妹种e草的种群,以探讨传粉媒介和花性状的差异。我们表征重大种内花卉性状变异T. brownii,表明存在一个物种复合体,尽管类群捕获了类似的鞘翅目(Staphylinidae,Scarabaeidae)。虽然所有T.野百合附录中显示出相似的温度升高,有在时间和区域(类群)之间产热和开花节律的图案显著变化,并且所有T.野百合类群具有明显的香味组合物,与Ť。sp。aff。Brownii与其他分类单元最相似。相比之下,T。eliosurum花序几乎完全被困在双翅目(Sphaeroceridae,Psychodidae)中,温和的温度上升局限于狭窄区域,并且气味特征不同于所有的T. brownii。分类单元 在现场生物测定中证实了这种气味对于传粉媒介的吸引很重要。T. eliosurumT. brownii类群排放的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)包括常见的粪便成分粪臭素,吲哚和甲酚。独角eliosurumT.野百合类群进一步在形态和诱捕机制,特别是蝇授粉显著不同T. eliosurum。这可能是在确定的无处不在的挥发性有机化合物的一个子集T. eliosurumT.野百合 分类单元吸引了当地的寻求粪便的蝇类和甲虫,并且花的形态特征对于在这些粪便模拟物中捕获不同的昆虫纲更为重要。