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“What is a Sociologist Doing Here?” An Unconventional People-Centered Approach to Improve Warning Implementation in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13753-020-00262-1
Victor Marchezini

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 recommends several actions for early warning systems (EWSs). However, there is a lack of information about their means of implementation. This article used institutional ethnography to analyze the 2012–2018 implementation of a national warning system in Brazil. The challenges related to daily activities, and the interdisciplinary works in the four axes of EWSs towards multi-hazard and people-centered approaches are discussed. This national experience is then discussed in the light of the global challenges of EWSs considering two main issues: (1) experiences of implementation and barriers related to people-centered warning systems; and (2) types of national/regional warning systems and hazards/threats that are being monitored as an important input for multi-hazard approaches. There are few multi-hazard warning systems in place and EWSs are focused on hydrometeorological hazards, mainly related to floods. The Sendai Framework needs to improve access to data and information, identify views from the frontline, consider political threats and vulnerabilities, and find ways to talk about disaster risk creation processes at a larger scale.


“社会学家在这里做什么?” 一种非常规的以人为本的方法来改善仙台减少灾害风险框架中的预警实施

《 2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》建议针对预警系统(EWS)采取​​若干行动。但是,缺少有关其实现方式的信息。本文使用制度民族志来分析2012-2018年巴西国家预警系统的实施情况。讨论了与日常活动有关的挑战,以及预警系统在多灾种和以人为本方法四个方面的跨学科工作。然后,根据EWS的全球挑战,结合两个主要问题,讨论了这一国家经验:(1)实施经验和与以人为本的预警系统相关的障碍;(2)作为多灾种方法的重要输入,正在监视的国家/地区预警系统的类型和病害/威胁。现有的多灾种预警系统很少,预警系统集中在主要与洪水有关的水文气象灾害上。《仙台框架》需要改善对数据和信息的访问,从前线确定观点,考虑政治威胁和脆弱性,并找到更大规模地讨论灾难风险创建过程的方法。