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Pilot Study of Neurodevelopmental Impact of Early Epilepsy Surgery in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.
Pediatric Neurology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2020.04.002
Leslie E Grayson 1 , Jurriaan M Peters 2 , Tarrant McPherson 3 , Darcy A Krueger 4 , Mustafa Sahin 5 , Joyce Y Wu 6 , Hope A Northrup 7 , Brenda Porter 8 , Gary R Cutter 3 , Sarah E O'Kelley 9 , Jessica Krefting 1 , Scellig S Stone 10 , Joseph R Madsen 10 , Aria Fallah 11 , Jeffrey P Blount 12 , Howard L Weiner 13 , E Martina Bebin 1 ,


To determine if early epilepsy surgery mitigates detrimental effects of refractory epilepsy on development, we investigated surgical and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with tuberous sclerosis complex who underwent surgery before age two years.


Prospective multicenter observational study of 160 children with tuberous sclerosis complex. Surgical outcome was determined for the seizure type targeted by surgery. We obtained Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition (Vineland-II); Mullen Scales of Early Learning; and Preschool Language Scales, Fifth Edition, at age three, six, nine, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. Surgical cases were compared with children without seizures, with controlled seizures, and with medically refractory seizures.


Nineteen children underwent surgery (median age 17 months, range 3.7 to 21.3), and mean follow-up was 22.8 months (range 12 to 48). Surgical outcomes were favorable in 12 (63%, Engel I-II) and poor in seven (37%, Engel III-IV). Nine (47%) had new or ongoing seizures distinct from those surgically targeted. All children with seizures demonstrated longitudinal decline or attenuated gains in neurodevelopment, the surgical group scoring the lowest. Favorable surgical outcome was associated with increased Mullen Scales of Early Learning receptive and expressive language subscores compared with the medically refractory seizure group. A nonsignificant but consistent pattern of improvement with surgery was seen in all tested domains.


These pilot data show neurodevelopmental gains in some domains following epilepsy surgery. A properly powered, prospective multicenter observational study of early epilepsy surgery is needed, using both surgical and developmental outcome metrics.






160 例结节性硬化症患儿的前瞻性多中心观察研究。针对手术靶向的癫痫发作类型确定手术结果。我们获得了 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition (Vineland-II);马伦早期学习量表;学龄前语言量表,第五版,3、6、9、12、18、24 和 36 个月。将手术病例与无癫痫发作、控制性癫痫发作和药物难治性癫痫发作的儿童进行比较。


19 名儿童接受了手术(中位年龄 17 个月,范围 3.7 至 21.3),平均随访时间为 22.8 个月(范围 12 至 48)。12 人(63%,Engel I-II)手术结果良好,7 人(37%,Engel III-IV)手术结果不佳。9 人 (47%) 有新的或持续的癫痫发作,与手术靶向的癫痫发作不同。所有癫痫儿童都表现出神经发育的纵向下降或减弱,手术组得分最低。与医学难治性癫痫发作组相比,良好的手术结果与马伦早期学习量表的接受和表达语言子分数增加有关。在所有测试领域都看到了一种不显着但一致的手术改善模式。


