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Laniakea: an open solution to provide Galaxy "on-demand" instances over heterogeneous cloud infrastructures.
GigaScience ( IF 9.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giaa033
Marco Antonio Tangaro 1 , Giacinto Donvito 2 , Marica Antonacci 2 , Matteo Chiara 3 , Pietro Mandreoli 1, 3 , Graziano Pesole 1, 4 , Federico Zambelli 1, 3

While the popular workflow manager Galaxy is currently made available through several publicly accessible servers, there are scenarios where users can be better served by full administrative control over a private Galaxy instance, including, but not limited to, concerns about data privacy, customisation needs, prioritisation of particular job types, tools development, and training activities. In such cases, a cloud-based Galaxy virtual instance represents an alternative that equips the user with complete control over the Galaxy instance itself without the burden of the hardware and software infrastructure involved in running and maintaining a Galaxy server.


Laniakea:一种开放式解决方案,可通过异构云基础架构提供“按需” Galaxy实例。
